Law in the cosmos
There aren’t just satellites orbiting the earth—there’s also space debris. And some countries claim rights to natural resources found on other celestial bodies, and permit the sale of plots on the moon. Some sort of legal rules must apply in outer space, so it is clear who is allowed to do what in the universe.

The rise of independent professionals
One of the effects of the fourth industrial revolution is the uberisation of the economy – a shift from the classical economy in which businesses internally control and organize assets and activities to perform their functions, to the platform model where digital tools make it possible to coordinate independent individuals and external resources towards the same activity.

Wardyński & Partners announces recruitment for the Litigation Academy
The Litigation Academy is a series of workshops designed for students in their last years of legal education and recent graduates now training for the profession. During the workshops experienced litigators will share with participants knowledge and skills in working with the client, the court, and teams of specialists from various fields and jurisdictions.

Europe has to come up with a plan for China
China-based businesses have specific objectives and are working hard to achieve a presence on the global markets. The world does not have a plan for dealing with Chinese commercial expansion – commentary on the Inter-Pacific Bar Association conference.

Publication: Outlook on law and business in Poland
A new item has been added to the extensive catalogue of the firm’s publications. In our Outlook on law and business in Poland we discuss trends in changes in the law, such as increased regulatory pressure and increased penalisation of commerce. These are illuminated by concrete examples from practice and conclusions concerning the consequences of these phenomena that can be expected to occur or are already happening.

Poland attracts foreign investors
According to the World Bank’s latest report, Doing Business 2017, Poland has once again advanced and now holds 24th place among 190 countries ranked in terms of how easy it is to do business there. And in EY’s European Attractiveness Survey 2016 Poland was recognised as the 5th most attractive FDI destination in Europe (1st in CEE). Poland’s main strengths are stable economic growth, a large consumer market, numerous tax incentives, and its location at the crossroads of major continental trade routes.

Springtime for “In Principle”
Spring is in the air, and “In Principle” is changing its layout. We opted for clarity, showcasing the legal content that is the portal’s strong suit.

EU procedure for monitoring the rule of law
There has been a lot of talk recently about launching of the EU’s procedure for monitoring compliance with the rule of law in Poland, but not much about what exactly the procedure is.

Will Polish courts have faith in trusts?
In recent years, EU law has been generally the route through which Western models and ideas have been introduced into Polish law. Europe has decidedly much more to offer us, but with regard to certain legal institutions, we have to reach out for them by ourselves. One of them, which is ever more boldly knocking on our door, is a concept of trust. Will it be greeted in Poland with joy?

Welcome to our new portal
The portal “In Principle”—created through the merger of the Litigation Portal and the Transactions Portal—is designed for managers and lawyers. We write simply about complex legal issues affecting business.

21-23 November 2012: IBA European Regional Forum conference in Warsaw
The International Bar Association European Regional Forum will hold its Central-Eastern Europe Regional Conference in Warsaw, entitled Opportunities and Challenges that Growing Businesses Face in Selected New EU Member States: Perspectives for the Future

St Petersburg International Legal Forum, 16-19 May 2012
More than 2,000 delegates from 51 countries took part in the 2nd St Petersburg International Legal Forum in May 2012, under the auspices of the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Commercial Court of the Russian Federation.