Publication: Outlook on law and business in Poland | In Principle

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Publication: Outlook on law and business in Poland

A new item has been added to the extensive catalogue of the firm’s publications. In our Outlook on law and business in Poland we discuss trends in changes in the law, such as increased regulatory pressure and increased penalisation of commerce. These are illuminated by concrete examples from practice and conclusions concerning the consequences of these phenomena that can be expected to occur or are already happening.

In the flood of entirely new regulations and successive changes to existing regulations, it is not easy for people to keep their footing—even legal professionals. So it’s no surprise that our business clients ask us lawyers a lot of questions.

The inquiries from our clients have inspired us to reflect not so much on specific changes in law as on the trends sketched out on the horizon that can impact future business operations in Poland. The fruit of that reflection is our new publication.

Specific observations on particular legal changes and, more broadly, phenomena underway in the law can be grouped into a wider cross-section of trends, forming the framework for this study. We have identified eight such phenomena:

  • Protectionist and interventionist tendencies
  • Increased regulatory pressure
  • Greater penalisation of commerce
  • New approaches to judicial and administrative practice
  • A new tax reality
  • Social measures
  • Support for entrepreneurship
  • Digitalisation, innovation, and new technologies

To some degree or another, they are likely to have an impact on business in Poland. We hope you find this report useful.