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Liability of management board members for reimbursement of public funds: How to protect yourself?
Members of a company’s management board can be jointly and severally liable for the company’s obligations, including public-law liabilities, such as repayment of public funds granted for project financing. This liability can apply to both active and former members who were in office when the obligations arose. It is worth remembering when members of the management board can be held liable for the company’s obligation to repay financing, and the steps they can take to avoid this liability.
Liability of management board members for reimbursement of public funds: How to protect yourself?
Election of supervisory board members in a joint-stock company by group voting: Practical aspects
In an ideal world, members of corporate boards should be elected with respect for the interests of as many shareholders as possible, including minority shareholders. It is customary that when any shareholder or group of shareholders has a stake in the company sufficient to choose at least one member of the supervisory board, the majority shareholder should solicit from them a proposal to put forward at least one candidate to ensure adequate representation on the supervisory board. If this does not occur, the law allows shareholders to request that voting for the supervisory board be conducted in separate groups. This procedure is designed to protect the interests of minority shareholders.
Election of supervisory board members in a joint-stock company by group voting: Practical aspects
Valuation of assets of companies merging by acquisition: Practical doubts
The Polish Commercial Companies Code allows mergers of both companies and partnerships, except that a partnership (other than a joint-stock limited partnership) cannot be the acquiring entity or newly incorporated entity. For mergers of companies, the procedure begins with agreement of a merger plan. The necessary elements of the merger plan and annexes are listed in the regulations, but the wording is not clear. Mistakes in preparing the merger plan may cause the court to refuse to register the merger. In this article, we focus on doubts regarding the methods of valuing the assets of the acquired and acquiring companies during the merger of companies by acquisition.
Valuation of assets of companies merging by acquisition: Practical doubts
Time for change at large listed companies: The Women on Boards Directive
The first proposal of Polish regulations implementing the EU’s Women on Boards Directive, aimed at more balanced representation of women and men on the bodies of large listed companies, has now been published. This is to be achieved by setting requirements for the selection process of candidates for these positions and introducing a minimum level of participation of the underrepresented sex. The proposal comes as no surprise. Work on the directive took a decade, but it nevertheless elicited many comments in public consultations. The member states have to implement the directive by 28 December 2024.
Time for change at large listed companies: The Women on Boards Directive
Convertible loans: A practical look
Convertible loans are still a relatively rare debt financing instrument in Polish practice, but have recently gained popularity among startups and in venture capital. In essence, a convertible loan involves granting a loan that may be repaid by converting the debt into equity in the borrower. But depending on the expectations, circumstances and identified risks, the loan provisions can differ widely, with flexibility to modify the positions of the parties. This means it is worth paying attention to a number of financial and legal parameters, including obvious ones that can affect the feasibility of the undertaking.
Convertible loans: A practical look
Two parties, one representative: Applying Art. 108 of the Civil Code to corporate representatives
In business practice, it is common for contracts to be entered into by companies in the same corporate group. And sometimes the same person sits on the management board of both companies. Can the same person represent both companies in the transaction—and in a sense enter into a contract with themselves?
Two parties, one representative: Applying Art. 108 of the Civil Code to corporate representatives
Mergers of companies: How to simplify the process by arranging the capital structure
Usually, a merger of companies in Poland requires a number of legal steps and preparation of extensive documentation. This can make mergers complicated and costly, in particular if companies with different shareholding structures are involved. But in some cases the regulations allow the parties to simplify the procedure by excluding certain obligations—if certain conditions are met regarding the capital structure of the companies.
Mergers of companies: How to simplify the process by arranging the capital structure
Settlement of tax losses after a merger by takeover
Under current regulations in Poland, in post-merger accounting, tax losses of the acquired company cannot be recognised. However, it is possible to settle tax losses of the acquiring company, although this is not always the rule. In determining whether the acquiring company is entitled to settle tax losses, it is necessary to assess whether the company’s actual principal business after the takeover is wholly or partially different from that before the takeover. What, in essence, is covered by the notion of “actual principal business”? When should the principal business be considered to have changed “in part”?
Settlement of tax losses after a merger by takeover
Share exchange ratio in reverse mergers of companies
An element of any proposed merger of companies in Poland is determination of the ratio for exchange of shares of the companies participating in the merger and the amount of additional payments, if any, unless there is no exchange of shares. But sometimes the parties do not have to set a share exchange ratio in the merger process.
Share exchange ratio in reverse mergers of companies
Administrative permits and corporate transformations: How to ensure business continuity?
For companies participating in a reorganisation to continue pursuing their owners’ objectives, permits, licences or other administrative decisions necessary for operation must be secured. Proper preparation for this process requires not only knowledge of the regulations under which the administrative decisions are issued, but also the agencies’ procedural practice.
Administrative permits and corporate transformations: How to ensure business continuity?
Debt-to-equity conversions in practice
Converting a company’s liability into capital can be a way to “heal” its balance sheet. This can increase the company’s credibility with counterparties and reduce the risk of insolvency. Conversion can also generate tax benefits, for example by reducing interest expense to below the deductible limit.
Debt-to-equity conversions in practice
Cross-border corporate mergers: Practical aspects
The 15 September 2023 amendment to Poland’s Commercial Companies Code introduced a number of changes to the cross-border merger procedure. Such a merger has its peculiarities because it is subject to the laws of more than one EU member state. During a cross-border merger, a number of practical aspects can significantly affect the speed and efficiency of the procedure.
Cross-border corporate mergers: Practical aspects