Wardyński & Partners announces recruitment for the Litigation Academy | In Principle

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Wardyński & Partners announces recruitment for the Litigation Academy

The Litigation Academy is a series of workshops designed for students in their last years of legal education and recent graduates now training for the profession. During the workshops experienced litigators will share with participants knowledge and skills in working with the client, the court, and teams of specialists from various fields and jurisdictions.

In 2018 Wardyński & Partners is celebrating its 30th anniversary. On this occasion we have prepared a series of events to mark this milestone and also share the experience gathered during that time.

The knowledge of substantive and procedural law that law graduates take away from their formal studies is the bare minimum needed for representing clients in judicial and arbitration proceedings. To lead disputes, a young advocate or legal adviser needs to understand the nature of trials and their own role in the process.

The team from the firm’s Dispute Resolution & Arbitration practice have prepared an interesting proposal for students in their final years of law studies and current advocate and legal adviser trainees. The Litigation Academy offers a series of workshops and lectures led by experienced litigators. The aim is to provide a solid dose of practical knowledge on how to effectively and safely conduct litigation, in line with ethical principles and the mission of the legal profession.

The Litigation Academy is divided into three thematic modules—working with the client, analysing the case and drafting pleadings, and appearing before the court—scheduled for 13, 20 and 27 October 2018, respectively. The workshops will include practical exercises such as mock interviews with clients, interrogation of witnesses, and drafting of pleadings. The classes will be conducted on the basis of a specially prepared case study and fictional case files. The participants will receive a handbook prepared by the law firm as well as other essential materials for the course.

To qualify for the Litigation Academy, applicants must submit a motivational letter (no longer than one page, size A4) on or before 20 September 2018 and commit to participate in all three sessions. The workshops will be held at the firm’s office in Warsaw. Participation in the Litigation Academy is free of charge, but space is limited. The sessions will be conducted in Polish.

The workshops will be held at the firm’s office in Warsaw. Participation in the Litigation Academy is free of charge, but space is limited. The sessions will be conducted in Polish.