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Building permit may be issued even after construction is completed
In specific instances, a decision granting a building permit may be issued even after construction has been completed and the building has already been delivered for occupancy.
Building permit may be issued even after construction is completed
Fines for violating reporting requirements when buying shares of listed companies
The Polish Financial Supervision Authority has fined a couple PLN 200,000 for acquiring shares in a listed company over the 10% threshold without announcing a public tender.
Fines for violating reporting requirements when buying shares of listed companies
Tougher sanctions for environmental offences
On 14 September 2010 the Polish Government approved the guidelines for an act amending the Penal Code and other acts relating to environmental offences.
Tougher sanctions for environmental offences
When can a corporate concentration be blocked?
The Polish Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) must be notified of intended corporate mergers and acquisitions. The president of UOKiK typically grants approval, but companies need to recognise the risk of refusal or conditional approval
When can a corporate concentration be blocked?
May the right to pay nominal rent be bought and sold?
Sąd Najwyższy odpowie na pytanie, czy uprawnienie do czynszu symbolicznego przechodzi na nabywcę prawa użytkowania wieczystego.
May the right to pay nominal rent be bought and sold?
Correspondence with in-house lawyer not covered by attorney-client privilege
Wymiana korespondencji w ramach przedsiębiorstwa lub grupy przedsiębiorstw z prawnikami wewnętrznymi nie jest objęta tajemnicą informacji wymienianych między adwokatem a klientem, orzekł ETS w sprawie Akzo Nobel.
Correspondence with in-house lawyer not covered by attorney-client privilege
VAT effects of issuing vouchers to employees
Pracodawcy odchodzą od wynagradzania lub premiowania pracowników za pomocą bonów towarowych ze względu na niekorzystne zmiany w przepisach o podatku dochodowym od osób fizycznych. Teraz wydawanie bonów może rodzić dodatkowe ryzyko w podatku VAT.
VAT effects of issuing vouchers to employees
Polish Supreme Court allows management board members to sign the same contract at different times
Zdaniem Sądu Najwyższego w pełni dopuszczalne jest złożenie przez członków zarządu takich samych oświadczeń co do istotnych postanowień umowy w różnym czasie.
Polish Supreme Court allows management board members to sign the same contract at different times
New authority for fiscal inspectors
When must a financial institution release information to fiscal audit authorities identifying the holder of a bank account?
New authority for fiscal inspectors
Errors most often caused by carelessness or simple routine
Łukasz Koziński of the Corporate Law practice group at Wardyński & Partners reviews the rules for conducting annual shareholder meetings.
Errors most often caused by carelessness or simple routine
What does the National Court Register tell us?
Bartłomiej Wyjatek of the Corporate Law practice group at Wardyński & Partners explains how the court register protects the interests of participants in commercial transactions.
What does the National Court Register tell us?
Danuta Pajewska: A well-functioning compliance division lets management sleep easier
Interview with Danuta Pajewska, partner at Wardyński & Partners and co-head of the Banking and Finance practice group
Danuta Pajewska: A well-functioning compliance division lets management sleep easier