Comparative study of food supplement regulations
The Life Sciences Practice Group of the Lex Mundi network, led by Dr Ewa Butkiewicz, a partner at Wardyński & Partners, has published a survey of legal regulations concerning food supplements.

Calvin Klein is not the only "CK"
The European Court of Justice has held that the trademark „CK Creaciones Kennya” is not similar to the trademark „CK” registered by the Calvin Klein Trademark Trust for clothing.

Tadeusz Zwiefka: We must build a European legal culture
Tadeusz Zwiefka, a Polish member of the European Parliament, talks with Katarzyna Szychowska and Anna Zielińska

Arbitration conference in Vienna
The nature of arbitration and the role of the arbitrator in managing disputes will be the subject of a discussion at the International Commercial Arbitration – Austrian/Polish Twin Conference in Vienna on 3 December 2010.

Execution of reprivatisation claims against the Polish State Treasury
Execution against the State Treasury generally guarantees full satisfaction of a creditor’s claim, even if funds have not been earmarked for this purpose in the state budget.

Finding a home for orphan works
The existence of “orphan works” poses a dilemma for publishers: should they publish without the author’s consent, or resign themselves to the fact that a significant portion of our cultural heritage will not see the light of day?

Is it worthwhile raising expired tax obligations in a proceeding involving unreported income?
So far it has not afforded any protection to taxpayers facing an assessment for unreported income to assert income on which tax is no longer due because it is barred by the statute of limitations.

When is the management board of a limited-liability company liable for the company's debts?
The rules for liability of members of the management board of a Polish limited-liability company (sp. z o.o.) when the company is unable to meet its obligations to creditors are explained by Maciej Szewczyk, a legal adviser trainee

Special foods covered by national health service: an opportunity for the foods industry?
A proposed new Act on Reimbursement for Medicinal Products, Foods and Medical Products calls for the Polish national health service to reimburse the costs of “special-purpose foods” when they offer documented health benefits.

State of use of EU funding
If Poland continues to spend its EU funding at the rate it is going, the last euro from the 2007-2013 budget period won’t be spent until August 2021, according to an October 2010 report from the Business Centre Club.

A European community of judges or a judicial Tower of Babel?
The proliferation of courts, jurisdictions and rulings is bound to result in conflict and tension, Prof. Ewa Łętowska said at a conference marking the 5th anniversary of Europejski Przegląd Sądowy

Must a company controlled by the State Treasury comply with the Public Procurement Law?
Not all companies financed or supervised by public finance units, managed by public appointees or majority-owned by the Polish State Treasury have to award contracts under the procedures established by the Public Procurement Law.