Company must be notified of acquisition of shares
The transaction of acquiring shares in a limited-liability company typically ends upon signing of the share sale agreement, but the acquirer’s duties do not end there.

New rules for exclusion of bidders for public contracts
The Act dated 25 February 2011 amending the Public Procurement Law awaits signing into law by the President of Poland. The act will introduce new grounds for mandatory exclusion of a bidder from a public procurement procedure.

Council gives green light to proceed with development of uniform patent
Even though the European Court of Justice recently issued a negative opinion on the notion of a treaty that would establish a European and Community Patent Court…

Protection for renowned trademark Botox
Sąd (dawniej Sąd Pierwszej Instancji) utrzymał w mocy decyzje unieważniające prawa do znaków towarowych BOTOLIST i BOTOCYL ze względu na uznanie, że ich rejestracja narusza prawo do renomowanego znaku towarowego BOTOX.

New cookie regulations
Zgoda na instalację cookies – domyślna, świadoma czy wymagana każdorazowo? Zmiana dyrektywy o e-prywatności może przysporzyć sporo kłopotu polskiemu ustawodawcy.

No EU patent court after all?
Trybunał Sprawiedliwości UE sceptycznie wypowiedział się o zunifikowanym sądownictwie patentowym, które było nadzieją sektora farmaceutycznego na fachowe orzecznictwo. Wciąż mogą jednak powstać polskie wyspecjalizowane sądy patentowe.

Evidentiary privileges for banks?
On 1 March 2011 the Polish Constitutional Tribunal examined the constitutionality of Art. 95(1) of the Banking Law, which gives bank statements the evidentiary weight of official documents.

How long will it be necessary to store tax records?
If a taxpayer has generated a loss and plans to carry it forward to apply against income earned in subsequent tax years, the taxpayer may have to retain its tax records and related documents for up to 11 years.

Amendment of Personal Data Protection Act
The Polish Inspector General for Personal Data Protection will have authority to impose fines for failure to comply with data protection orders. The ability to withdraw consent to processing of personal data has also been clarified.

May the management board deprive a shareholder of the right to vote?
Violation of obligations related to acquisition of a major stake in a public company is subject to the sanction of loss of voting rights.

Rules for repayment of surcharges in a limited-liability company
The articles of association may include provisions covering the rules for repayment of surcharges to the shareholders. Absent such provisions, the rules set forth in the Commercial Companies Code will apply.

When to provide a performance bond, and for how long?
Contractors in public procurement who submit a performance bond in the form of a bank guarantee may not be sure when it needs to be provided to the contracting authority or what the duration of the guarantee should be.