M&A by practitioners for practitioners | In Principle

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M&A by practitioners for practitioners

The first step-by-step guide to M&A transactions—from letter of intent to post-closing activities—has now been published jointly by Wardyński & Partners and LexisNexis Polska.

Mergers and Acquisitions is the first volume in a new series addressing aspects of law in practice, published (in Polish) jointly by Wardyński & Partners and LexisNexis Polska. It was written by lawyers at the firm who handle the full range of M&A issues. The target audience is legal advisers and advocates in Poland as well as law graduates training for admission to the bar.
The authors concentrated on practical application of specific legal instruments used in M&A transactions. The work as a whole may serve as a road map for a model transaction of this type.
The book is divided into three parts. The first is devoted to preparing for the transaction and covers such issues as letters of intent, confidentiality agreements, framework agreements, and due diligence models for reviewing the legal status of the assets included in a deal. It also includes a discussion of the use of preliminary agreements and obtaining required governmental approvals. The second part deals with issues that should be addressed when drafting transaction documents. It provides numerous examples of typical contractual clauses and an analysis of the most important and most common shortcomings in the transaction process. The third part discusses matters that must be dealt with after signing and closing, as well as unusual issues that may arise post-closing (including steps that may be taken in the event of breach of contractual covenants).
Another feature of the publication is an explanation of the various terms and concepts used by M&A practitioners.
The book may be ordered online from LexisNexis Polska.