Change of shareholders in a limited-liability company
What document constitutes grounds for entry in the commercial register of sale of at least 10% of the shares in a limited-liability company? A legal adviser analyses a resolution on this issue by the Supreme Court of Poland.

The scope and legal nature of information in the National Court Register
A few comments on how transcripts from Poland’s commercial register are used in commercial practice

Sanctions for failure to prepare and file financial reports with the registry court
Proper preparation of a financial report and filing the report with the registry court is the duty of the members of the management board of a company or the partners conducting the affairs of a partnership. Failure to comply with this duty is subject to

Seller's representations and warranties
The significance of representations and warranties by the seller in transactions involving the sale of shares

Can a company defend against a hostile takeover?
When reports become public of plans for a hostile takeover of an exchange-listed company, the question arises whether the company may take any measures to oppose the takeover.

Appointment of a convicted criminal to a corporate board
Not everyone is qualified to serve on a corporate board. But what happens if a board member is appointed who is not qualified to serve?

Better conditions for doing business in Russia-more on proposed amendments to the Russian Civil Code
The main goal of the proposal is to improve the quality of the laws governing business activity in Russia by securing greater freedom for market participants and stiffer sanctions for abuses.

Finding a company quickly for purposes of a transaction
During a transaction it may suddenly appear that a special-purpose company is needed immediately. A solution could be to buy a shelf company with all the necessary registrations already in place.

Dr Jarosław Grykiel: The form for powers of attorney in cross-border transactions
An interview with Dr Jarosław Grykiel of the Corporate Law practice at Wardyński & Partners concerning the form of powers of attorney for use in international transactions.

Subsidiary or branch?
A comparison of the two main forms in which foreign businesses operate in Poland

Danuta Pajewska: Dual listing increases the opportunities for raising capital
An interview with Danuta Pajewska, the partner in charge of the Capital Markets practice and the Financial Institutions practice at Wardyński & Partners, about the advantages for a company when its shares are admitted to trading on more than one stock exc

Compliance of the French procédure de sauvegarde with Polish public policy
The Supreme Court of Poland held that recognition of French procédure de sauvegarde in Poland – one of the proceedings to which Regulation No. 1346/2000 applies – leads to a result that is consistent with Polish public policy.