Grzelak v Poland
The failure to offer ethics classes in Polish public schools, resulting in absence of a grade for this subject in the student’s transcript, constitutes unlawful discrimination on religious grounds, the European Court of Human Rights has held.

Court may not decide on its own about impartiality of judges
Barring an interlocutory appeal from an order of an appellate court denying a motion to recuse a judge is unconstitutional.

Flag an air cab?
What are the rights of passengers using air taxis, and what duties do carriers have when providing this service? These issues are explored by Paweł Mazur, an adwokat who is of counsel to Wardyński & Partners.

Tiffany to shoemaker: don't tread on me
A renowned trademark may be protected in Poland even if the mark is not used or registered here.

Land and mortgage registers available online
From 16 June 2010 it is no longer necessary to stand in line at the land and mortgage register court. The Polish Ministry of Justice has created free, universal access to allow the public to review land and mortgage registers in electronic form.

Easier to legalise unlawful construction
In places where there is no local zoning plan in force, planning permission is sufficient to legalise a structure built without a permit—regardless of when the planning permission becomes legally final.

How to promote cities effectively and lawfully
Polish cities and regions more and more often decide to promote themselves. Local and regional governments may hire advertising agencies for this purpose, but procurement of marketing services does not necessarily require organising a tender.