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new technologies

Future of work
Intensive developments in modern technologies and increasing globalisation are affecting all areas of life, including that of work. This is work meant in broad terms, not only in terms of its performance, but also recruitment and the mutual relations of employers and employees. Where is this all leading us?
Future of work
Could businesses be sued for data leaks?
When hackers exploited vulnerability due to software not being updated at a US credit agency, important data of millions of customers in the US, Canada, and the UK were leaked. The US federal authorities have launched an investigation that could lead to millions in fines. Bosses at the firm were questioned in a congressional hearing and the agency is facing the largest class action in US history. This sounds like the plot of a financial thriller, but the Equifax case did in fact happen and is a lesson for the future.
Could businesses be sued for data leaks?
Taxation of income from trading in cryptocurrencies: A new approach
The Polish government is currently working on a completely new tax regime applicable to income from trading in cryptocurrencies (virtual currencies) for personal income tax and corporate income tax purposes. For PIT purposes, this income is to be taxed as income from cash capital at the rate of 19% regardless of whether the turnover is of a private nature or made in the course of business activity. For CIT purposes, the income from trading in cryptocurrencies will be classified as capital gains. These new rules would apply from 1 January 2019.
Taxation of income from trading in cryptocurrencies: A new approach
Investment disputes in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Technological advance and resultant socio-economic “revolutions” have always triggered significant developments in international economic law.
Investment disputes in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Green light for autonomous vehicles in Poland?
Will the amendment to the Road Traffic Law draw investors wishing to test autonomous vehicles in Poland?
Green light for autonomous vehicles in Poland?
Proposal for crowdfunding regulation—part of the European Commission’s FinTech development strategy
Reports released by the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance leave no doubt that Europe has fallen a long way behind the United States and Asian countries in development of modern financial services. This is especially noticeable in crowdfunding. In Asia Pacific countries, this method generates more than USD 200 billion per year, but only some USD 8 billion in Europe. The proposed crowdfunding regulation is intended to change this by harmonising European laws and introducing a European passport for service providers operating crowdfunding platforms.
Proposal for crowdfunding regulation—part of the European Commission’s FinTech development strategy
Artificial intelligence and the assault on the legal profession
A forthcoming breakthrough in smart algorithm systems will certainly revolutionise the entire economy, much as internet access has become universal. This revolution will not just impact opportunities for finding work in professions such as translator or driver, but will also completely transform the operations of the justice system. This was demonstrated in a recent competition to predict the results of court proceedings between a group of lawyers and an algorithm created by an English startup.
Artificial intelligence and the assault on the legal profession
How will the new ePrivacy Regulation affect the operation of websites?
The General Data Protection Regulation entering into force on 25 May 2018 is not the only privacy revolution in store for the EU. The proposed ePrivacy Regulation is also generating greater and greater controversy and may change the shape of the internet as we know it.
How will the new ePrivacy Regulation affect the operation of websites?
Multimedia trademarks open up entirely new possibilities
Changes to the EU’s trademark regulations entered into force on 1 October 2017, recognising for the first time multimedia marks combining image and sound. They may consist for example of animations launched in mobile devices or apps, jingles from film studios, brief video clips, and so on.
Multimedia trademarks open up entirely new possibilities
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10 października wystartował blog Znajdą się na nim teksty dotyczące nie tylko prawnych, ale również etycznych, kulturowych i społecznych aspektów nowych technologii.
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The future of legal services in a world of artificial intelligence
Will AI replace lawyers and judges or simply change the way they work and think about the law?
The future of legal services in a world of artificial intelligence
Technology and its discontents
Any new technology that gains universal application changes the existing world. The reconfiguration occurs imperceptibly but thoroughly. But in this new reality, how should the rule of law, values essential to the civil society and human rights be protected?
Technology and its discontents