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Marketing initiatives in corporate groups in the context of personal data protection
Designing marketing initiatives in an organisation so they comply with the regulations, including data protection rules, can be problematic. The situation becomes even more complicated if marketing for several companies within a group is carried out by one of the companies, designated through informal internal arrangements (often without concluding any contracts).
Marketing initiatives in corporate groups in the context of personal data protection
Fines for installing cookies without the user’s consent
Cookies and similar technologies are commonly used marketing tools enabling optimisation of marketing campaigns and more effective targeting of customers. So it comes as no surprise that it’s hard to find a website without a popup window informing users that the site uses cookies, referring the user to the privacy policy and cookies policy for more information. Interestingly, a great majority of these messages are themselves inconsistent with the applicable regulations on data protection, telecommunications, and electronic services.
Fines for installing cookies without the user’s consent
Italian court says Facebook isn’t free
An interesting ruling has been handed down in Italy in a case involving Facebook’s violation of the collective interests of consumers and data protection. The court held, contrary to common opinion and the social media site itself, that Facebook is not free.
Italian court says Facebook isn’t free
Websites of private joint-stock company or joint-stock limited partnership
Does a company or limited partnership have to have its own website? Does it have to operate the site itself? What information must be posted there? Practical pointers under the amended Commercial Companies Code
Websites of private joint-stock company or joint-stock limited partnership
Money laundering from a compliance perspective
Money laundering and financing of terrorism have become a source of major risks in business operations over recent years. On one hand, businesses are exposed to the risk that their services may be used for money laundering, and on the other hand they are increasingly targeted by strict AML regulations, where noncompliance can carry stiff sanctions.
Money laundering from a compliance perspective
Verification of age to access pornographic content
An anti-obscenity association issued a proposal for an Act on Protection of Minors against Pornographic Content on 16 December 2019. It has gained the official support of the Family Council, which recommended to the Prime Minister that the proposal be adopted for further legislative work. The Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy announced that work on the bill should conclude in the first half of 2020. The need to restrict children’s access to pornography is obvious, but the proposal has generated much controversy, mainly due to the proposed mechanism for age verification, which may invade internet users’ privacy. The proposal would also impose additional obligations on telecommunications operators, electronic service providers, and payment service providers.
Verification of age to access pornographic content
Use of an individual’s image in the media: A question of consent
A person’s image, in the sense of a physical picture of an individual, is subject to protection as a personality right and as personal data. The rule under Art. 81 of the Polish Copyright Act is that a person whose image is fixed must consent to dissemination of the image. Fixation of an image includes capturing of the whole or part of a person’s profile, through any means—photo, film, drawing, painting, or portrait—enabling identification of the person. Dissemination of an image means any form of publication, i.e. making it accessible to an unlimited set of recipients, as in the case of media access. It is irrelevant whether use of the image is aimed at generating financial gain.
Use of an individual’s image in the media: A question of consent
Rules for liability of the administrator of a website for unlawful content posted by users
Liability for content published on the internet infringing for example personal interests, industrial property rights or copyright may be imposed not only on the author of the content, but also on the administrator of the site where it was published.
Rules for liability of the administrator of a website for unlawful content posted by users
Clear path for trusted technologies in Liechtenstein
The Principality of Liechtenstein will become one of the first countries with its own act on trusted technologies, approved by the Liechtenstein parliament at the first reading on 6 June 2019.
Clear path for trusted technologies in Liechtenstein
New laws on blockchain, ICOs and cryptocurrencies in France
Following Malta and Liechtenstein, France has become the next country to introduce laws on business activity relating to blockchain, ICOs and cryptocurrencies.
New laws on blockchain, ICOs and cryptocurrencies in France
Valletta or Vaduz? Following Malta, Liechtenstein also plans to pass a law on trusted blockchain technologies
Virtual currencies are a reality, but large countries have taken a conservative stance towards them, and have not legislated on this issue in their legal systems. Small countries, on the other hand, seeking a source of revenue, are trying to specialise to attract representatives of the world of new technologies and cryptocurrencies. The legislative initiatives taken recently by Malta and Liechtenstein are an example.
Valletta or Vaduz? Following Malta, Liechtenstein also plans to pass a law on trusted blockchain technologies
Is there a right to unplug?
To mark the 30th anniversary of Wardyński & Partners, a debate was held on 7 December 2018 entitled “The right to unplug: Dignity, privacy and new technologies.” The panellists considered whether the right to internet access we have won should be followed by recognition of a right to be free from the internet.
Is there a right to unplug?