When is offering a litre of juice an unfair market practice?
On 11 February 2014 the Warsaw Regional Court issued a long-awaited ruling demonstrating the current approach of the Polish courts to the sensitive issue of how to designate promotional prices for goods.

Sugar-free? Not so simple
The practice of food labelling inspectors prevents consumers from making informed choices—effectively working against the policy of promoting healthy eating.

Another attempt to tighten the food inspection system
Every now and then a scandal breaks out involving Polish food products—most recently the use of industrial salts, as well as horsemeat in beef. In such cases, the authorities announce that they will take stern action.

New toy safety rules are not child's play
Toy companies must now control product quality, register suppliers and purchasers of certain products, and warn consumers against improper use of products.

Joanna Krakowiak: Interim relief is available in complex pharmaceutical patent disputes
An interview with Joanna Krakowiak from the Life Science practice group at Wardyński & Partners about pharmaceutical patent litigation.

What additives may be found in food products?
The list of permissible food additives was expanded in May 2011. More changes should be expected following an EU review of the safety of food additives.

Financial obligations of sponsors of drug trials
What treatment should the sponsor of clinical trials pay for under the new regulations?

Permit from the president of URPL, not the Minister of Health
A change in the body responsible for issuing marketing authorisation for drugs should cut the time required to obtain approval in Poland.

How long before generic drugs can be marketed?
Generics are substitutes for an original drug. May they be marketed as soon as the 10-year regulatory protection period for the original (innovative) drug ends?

No EU patent court after all?
Trybunał Sprawiedliwości UE sceptycznie wypowiedział się o zunifikowanym sądownictwie patentowym, które było nadzieją sektora farmaceutycznego na fachowe orzecznictwo. Wciąż mogą jednak powstać polskie wyspecjalizowane sądy patentowe.

When individual packages or products must be marked with a price
Is a seller free to decide whether or not to mark each package or item with a price, or is this a legal requirement? When is it alright to use a barcode instead of a price?

Confusion in personal data protection obligations in clinical trials
Even though a specific code of conduct and a structured process apply to clinical trials, there are lacking dedicated, specific regulations on protecting the personal data obtained in such trials.