Humvee, iPhone, Pip-Boy: Can real-life items be depicted in video games?
Video game designers often place the narrative of their games in contemporary or historical times. This requires them to base elements in the game on items familiar from the real world, such as vehicles, clothing, jewellery, weapons, foods and electronics. Can such depictions be freely used in games, or is consent required?

IP courts: Changes in proceedings for protection of intellectual property
The latest amendment to the Civil Procedure Code enters into force on 1 July 2020, aimed at creating specialised courts handling intellectual property matters.

Must car-rental companies pay royalties to collective management organisations?
If a rental car is equipped with a radio, should the rental company pay royalties to a collective rights management organisation? The Court of Justice recently addressed this issue.

Video-sharing platform services: What will change with implementation of the amended Audiovisual Media Services Directive?
14 listopada 2018 r. Parlament Europejski przyjął nowelizację dyrektywy o audiowizualnych usługach medialnych („dyrektywa AUM”). Jedną z głównych zmian jest wprowadzenie definicji usługi platformy udostępniania wideo. Kto może zostać uznany za dostawcę takiej platformy i z czym się to wiąże?

Is a warehouse operator responsible for storing counterfeits?
The CJEU held that a company that only stores goods without knowing they are counterfeits does not infringe trademarks. So can logistics operators sleep easy? Not really.

Soap commercials: Intellectual property disputes during the COVID-19 pandemic
The rapid boom in cleaning products suggested that this could be a sector where the first coronavirus-related IP disputes might arise. And so it has proved.

If you use a trademark in Spain, you are also using it in the European Union
Genuine use of a trademark in the EU as a whole may be proved in certain circumstances by showing use of the mark in a single member state.

“Dungeons” similar to “Dungeons & Dragons”
Are computer games still a niche product, or have they entered the mainstream? The possibility of registering a trademark similar to an earlier mark turns on this issue.

Use of an individual’s image in the media: A question of consent
A person’s image, in the sense of a physical picture of an individual, is subject to protection as a personality right and as personal data. The rule under Art. 81 of the Polish Copyright Act is that a person whose image is fixed must consent to dissemination of the image. Fixation of an image includes capturing of the whole or part of a person’s profile, through any means—photo, film, drawing, painting, or portrait—enabling identification of the person. Dissemination of an image means any form of publication, i.e. making it accessible to an unlimited set of recipients, as in the case of media access. It is irrelevant whether use of the image is aimed at generating financial gain.

Rules for liability of the administrator of a website for unlawful content posted by users
Liability for content published on the internet infringing for example personal interests, industrial property rights or copyright may be imposed not only on the author of the content, but also on the administrator of the site where it was published.

Risks and rules when cooperating with influencers
Whisper marketing is nothing new. Customers, especially younger ones, will lean toward a purchase if the good or service is recommended by a friend or someone they trust. They treat traditional advertising with increasing distance and scepticism.

Protection of catchphrases from films and TV shows
Catchphrases are intriguing not only as a phenomenon of social communication. They can also develop an economic dimension if they have marketing appeal. Consumers eagerly purchase T-shirts and gadgets decorated with amusing sayings, as a medium for expressing their own personality and preferences. What counts in this situation is to be the first to register the phrase.