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Łukasz Dąbrowski

Major changes in mortgages
On 20 February 2011 the Act Amending the Act on Land and Mortgage Registers and Mortgages and Certain Other Acts (Journal of Laws Dz.U. 2009 No. 131 item 1075) goes into effect.
Major changes in mortgages
Łukasz Dąbrowski: Consider a chimney easement for Christmas Eve
Litigation Portal: Everyone looks forward to a visit from Santa Claus, but no one seems to bother signing a proper agreement with him. Is Kris Kringle entitled to trespass on other people’s property without any contractual consent?
Łukasz Dąbrowski: Consider a chimney easement for Christmas Eve
Building permit may be issued even after construction is completed
In specific instances, a decision granting a building permit may be issued even after construction has been completed and the building has already been delivered for occupancy.
Building permit may be issued even after construction is completed
Restriction on pre-emption rights of the Agricultural Property Agency
An amendment to the Agricultural System Act of 11 April 2003 went into effect on 8 July 2010.
Restriction on pre-emption rights of the Agricultural Property Agency
Methods of landmark protection expanded
The Act dated 18 March 2010 Amending the Landmarks Care and Protection Act and Certain Other Acts has expanded the catalogue of forms of protection for landmarks in Poland.
Methods of landmark protection expanded
Land and mortgage registers available online
From 16 June 2010 it is no longer necessary to stand in line at the land and mortgage register court. The Polish Ministry of Justice has created free, universal access to allow the public to review land and mortgage registers in electronic form.
Land and mortgage registers available online
Easier to legalise unlawful construction
In places where there is no local zoning plan in force, planning permission is sufficient to legalise a structure built without a permit—regardless of when the planning permission becomes legally final.
Easier to legalise unlawful construction