Janusz Tomczak
The EU plans to protect whistleblowers
On 17 April 2018 the European Commission announced a proposed directive protecting whistleblowers. The aim is to establish minimum standards for protection of persons uncovering irregularities or violations of EU law, and to unify the law of the member states in this area.

Is it possible to effectively limit the risk of criminal liability for work accidents?
criminal, employment
An accident on the job generates a range of legal consequences. One of the most serious is the potential for the individual at the employer responsible for occupational health and safety to be held criminally liable.

Proposed Act on Transparency of Public Life: New obligations for businesses and employers
criminal, project
Work is underway on the Act on Transparency of Public Life, which would introduce numerous solutions not previously encountered in the Polish legal system. The aim of the proposed act is to increase the transparency of management and control over publicly financed institutions, and to reinforce anticorruption mechanisms in Poland.

Recent changes in criminal procedure, operational monitoring, and the prosecution system
already in force, criminal
Numerous major changes have entered into force in Poland in recent months in the area of criminal procedure, surveillance of citizens, and how the prosecution system is run.

Criminal law amendments of July 2015: Evolution or revolution?
already in force, criminal
On 1 July 2015, lawyers and parties to criminal proceedings in Poland entered a new reality. But will adversarial criminal trials truly unburden the courts and speed up the process?

Internal investigations: An alternative for law enforcement authorities?
criminal, corporate
Internal investigations conducted by enterprises in-house when irregularities are suspected offer many advantages to businesses compared to initiatives undertaken by public law enforcement authorities.

In some industries internal investigations are already standard
criminal, corporate
Internal investigations are becoming increasingly common, but individuals who face consequences as a result may attempt to undermine the findings or challenge the procedures followed in the investigation — including through seeking the protection of the courts.

A criminal case can also be settled
criminal law in creditor protection, creditor protection
Legal measures for amicable resolution of a criminal case initiated by a creditor to enforce a receivable against assets depleted by the unlawful acts of the debtor.

A dishonest party may be required to pay a debt through criminal proceedings
criminal law in creditor protection, damages for creditors, creditor protection
The penal sanction of the duty to redress loss or provide satisfaction for injury, which may be imposed on a dishonest debtor by the criminal court, protects the interests of creditors.

Are Polish companies exporting corruption?
Transparency International reports that Poland is not enforcing the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.

Sale of real estate under threat of execution
creditors in inheritance proceedings, creditor protection, real estate, Supreme Court
A debtor can be guilty of hindering enforcement of a court order even when the order does not exist yet.

Dominika Stępińska-Duch and Janusz Tomczak: When should a law-abiding company seek advice from a criminal lawyer?
Litigation Portal: Why would a business need to be concerned at all about criminal law?