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Jakub Macek

Debt-to-equity conversions in practice
Converting a company’s liability into capital can be a way to “heal” its balance sheet. This can increase the company’s credibility with counterparties and reduce the risk of insolvency. Conversion can also generate tax benefits, for example by reducing interest expense to below the deductible limit.
Debt-to-equity conversions in practice
Settlement of tax losses after a merger by takeover
Under current regulations in Poland, in post-merger accounting, tax losses of the acquired company cannot be recognised. However, it is possible to settle tax losses of the acquiring company, although this is not always the rule. In determining whether the acquiring company is entitled to settle tax losses, it is necessary to assess whether the company’s actual principal business after the takeover is wholly or partially different from that before the takeover. What, in essence, is covered by the notion of “actual principal business”? When should the principal business be considered to have changed “in part”?
Settlement of tax losses after a merger by takeover
What if the value or appraisal of assets changes during the course of a corporate reorganisation?
An appraisal of assets in the course of corporate reorganisations is a required element for determining their value when transferred from one company to another as a result of a merger or demerger. But the procedure for reorganising companies is often lengthy, and during the course of the procedure components of the transferred assets or liabilities may change due to ordinary or extraordinary circumstances. Or the appraisal itself may change. This raises a fundamental question of the extent to which the reorganisation documentation must be modified, including the draft terms of merger or demerger, and how these changes can be reflected in the accounting records without having to redo the entire reorganisation procedure.
What if the value or appraisal of assets changes during the course of a corporate reorganisation?
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 40: Tax implications of a shareholder loan
In this episode Jakub Macek discusses tax implications of a shareholder loan.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 40: Tax implications of a shareholder loan
New tax options for capital groups: VAT groups in Poland
The bill to implement the “Polish Deal” programme would introduce the separate institution of a VAT group, previously unknown in the Polish tax system, enabling consolidation of the tax result within a capital group.
New tax options for capital groups: VAT groups in Poland
Proposed changes would increase tax burdens on top earners
One of the flagship elements of the political programme called the “Polish Deal” is changes in personal income tax and social insurance contributions. This will lead to a drastic increase in the burden on top earners, especially business operators.
Proposed changes would increase tax burdens on top earners
Taxation of real estate companies
On 30 September 2020, an extensive set of proposed amendments to tax laws was submitted to the Polish Parliament. We have already written about how general partnerships and limited partnerships are to be taxed. In this article, we describe the planned form of taxation of income from the sale of real estate companies and related doubts.
Taxation of real estate companies
Cross-border transactions in times of pestilence
The difficulties in international transport caused by the pandemic may have a major impact on VAT settlements of Polish exporters. These complications may carry over to the possibility of applying the 0% VAT rate, thus affecting taxpayers’ cash flows.
Cross-border transactions in times of pestilence
Changes in tax treaties on the horizon
In 2013 an OECD forum began work on the BEPS project, comprising 15 actions for tightening the international system of tax treaties and preventing tax avoidance by taxpayers exploiting loopholes in tax treaties. These measures cover a broad spectrum of issues connected with taxation of international trade.
Changes in tax treaties on the horizon