Jakub Koziński | In Principle

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Jakub Koziński

Changes in reporting obligations of securities issuers
Recent amendments to the Transparency for Listed Companies Directive should improve the system for release of information by listed companies.
Changes in reporting obligations of securities issuers
2013 brings further changes in laws governing the capital market
A number of changes in two key laws governing the capital market—the Investment Funds Act and the Public Offerings Act—will go into effect in 2013.
2013 brings further changes in laws governing the capital market
Can a company defend against a hostile takeover?
When reports become public of plans for a hostile takeover of an exchange-listed company, the question arises whether the company may take any measures to oppose the takeover.
Can a company defend against a hostile takeover?
New rules for settling securities transactions
A bill to amend the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments was adopted on 28 June 2012
New rules for settling securities transactions
UCITS IV Directive not implemented in time-what to do now?
The deadline for Poland to implement the EU’s revised investment fund regulations came and went on 30 June 2011, but since then the Ministry of Finance has published its initial proposal to codify UCITS IV.
UCITS IV Directive not implemented in time-what to do now?
May the management board deprive a shareholder of the right to vote?
Violation of obligations related to acquisition of a major stake in a public company is subject to the sanction of loss of voting rights.
May the management board deprive a shareholder of the right to vote?
Financial Supervision Authority fines are for real
Information published on the website of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) shows that the KNF takes full advantage of its authority to impose fines for failure to play by the rules on the financial markets.
Financial Supervision Authority fines are for real