New rules for settling securities transactions
A bill to amend the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments was adopted on 28 June 2012
Are Polish companies exporting corruption?
Transparency International reports that Poland is not enforcing the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.
Reduced costs for company registrations
There has been a noticeable trend recently toward lowering various administrative burdens on businesses in Poland—as witnessed, for example, by the recent changes in the costs of company registrations.
Appointment of a convicted criminal to a corporate board
Not everyone is qualified to serve on a corporate board. But what happens if a board member is appointed who is not qualified to serve?
Does automatic transfer of emissions permits to the acquirer of a plant make sense?
A proposal to amend Poland’s Environmental Protection Law would eliminate the need to transfer permits by providing for automatic passage of rights and obligations under environmental permits to the acquirer of an installation.
Leniency regime in Poland
Lawyers from Wardyński & Partners co-authored the “Poland Chapter” on Leniency Regimes – jurisdictional comparisons published by Thomson Reuters. Below we publish an excerpt from the publication.
There's more to litigation than the Civil Procedure Code
Sometimes the Civil Procedure Code does not provide a satisfactory response to a litigation issue. The answer may lie in a less obvious source.
Practical consequences of the choice of language in a contract
Wybór języka, w którym sporządzana jest umowa między podmiotami posługującymi się różnymi językami, ma niezwykle istotne znaczenie. Determinuje on bowiem wykładnię zawartych w umowie oświadczeń woli stron.
Who can sign the statement of claim in a class action suit?
Only an adwokat or legal adviser may sign the statement of claim in a class action suit, the Supreme Court of Poland has held in a resolution clarifying the Class Actions Act. A statement of claims signed by anyone else will be rejected by the court.
Dr Marcin Lemkowski: The Class Actions Act plays little role in everyday legal practice
An interview with Dr Marcin Lemkowski from the Dispute Resolution & Arbitration Practice on why so few class actions have been filed in Poland and whether they will likely become more numerous in the future.
Crisis or no Crisis? The Outlook for Poland in 2012 and its Insolvency Market
An article by Michał Barłowski, a senior partner at Wardyński & Partners who heads the Bankruptcy and Restructuring Practice Group, first published in the Q1 2012 issue of INSOL World.
Better conditions for doing business in Russia-more on proposed amendments to the Russian Civil Code
The main goal of the proposal is to improve the quality of the laws governing business activity in Russia by securing greater freedom for market participants and stiffer sanctions for abuses.