Arbitration conference in Vienna | In Principle

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Arbitration conference in Vienna

The nature of arbitration and the role of the arbitrator in managing disputes will be the subject of a discussion at the International Commercial Arbitration – Austrian/Polish Twin Conference in Vienna on 3 December 2010.

The Polish and Austrian conference on arbitration is being organised jointly by the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan and the Austrian Arbitration Association. Wardyński & Partners is one of the law firms involved in the conference.
Where is Poland’s place on the map of international arbitration? What should arbitration look like, and what should be the relationship between the state courts and arbitration courts? What role do the courts and arbitration institutions play in setting standards and patterns for proceedings? Does assistance from state courts in taking evidence for arbitration work well in practice? These are just a few of the topics that will be addressed critically by the speakers.
The organisers promise a lively debate with active participation from the audience. A detailed programme and a registration form are available at the website of the Lewiatan arbitration court.