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Possible consequences of aiding a dishonest debtor
Liability for money laundering in the case of persons assisting in actions taken by dishonest debtors to the detriment of creditors.
Possible consequences of aiding a dishonest debtor
Is there a right to unplug?
To mark the 30th anniversary of Wardyński & Partners, a debate was held on 7 December 2018 entitled “The right to unplug: Dignity, privacy and new technologies.” The panellists considered whether the right to internet access we have won should be followed by recognition of a right to be free from the internet.
Is there a right to unplug?
Financial market – changes, changes, and more changes
Only a month ago we posted an article on plans to change the way the capital market is regulated and market investors are protected. The act has now been passed and signed into law, and will come into force on 1 January 2019.
Financial market – changes, changes, and more changes
Posting workers to Poland? Learn about your duties before the Polish authorities
The Act on Posting of Employees for Performance of Services of 10 June 2016, implementing the Posting of Workers Directive (96/71/EC) and the Enforcement Directive (2014/67/EU), imposes a number of obligations on foreign employers posting their employees to Poland which may prove difficult to implement in practice.
Posting workers to Poland? Learn about your duties before the Polish authorities
Covering the cost of alterations to premises under leases
The question of payment of the cost of alterations made to leased premises by a tenant is an important issue in the relationship between the tenant and the landlord. There are many factors affecting arrangements as to the cost of alterations, such as the duration of the lease, the premises leased, and the envisaged outlays on the part of the tenant.
Covering the cost of alterations to premises under leases
Closing date of an M&A transaction and the right to participate in the general meeting of a non-public joint-stock company
The Commercial Companies Code regulates in detail the rules for shareholders’ participation in the general meeting of a joint-stock company. The resulting legal conditions should be taken into account when planning the timeframe for M&A transactions to adequately secure the rights of the buyer of shares, and in particular, the possibility for the buyer to participate in the general meeting of a non-public joint-stock company after the closing of the transaction.
Closing date of an M&A transaction and the right to participate in the general meeting of a non-public joint-stock company
Transfer of ownership of bearer shares and obligation to deliver shares
According to the applicable regulations, in order to transfer the ownership of shares, it is necessary to have a tangible element in the form of transfer of possession of registered shares or delivery of bearer shares. The transfer of ownership of registered shares additionally requires the conclusion of an agreement between the seller and the buyer (either on the share document itself or in a separate document), while the transfer of bearer shares may take place even without the conclusion of a formal agreement, through the mere delivery of the shares. Considering the significant legal consequences of delivering a bearer instrument, it is necessary to consider how to understand the term “delivery of shares”.
Transfer of ownership of bearer shares and obligation to deliver shares
The good and the bad sides of representations and warranties – a few practical observations
Representations and warranties are a common feature in M&A transactions and derive from common law systems. The fundamental aim of representations and warranties is to properly divide risk between the seller and the buyer. In countries with an Anglo-Saxon legal system, statements made regarding the object of sale are in fact explicitly an element of ex delicto liability, as misrepresentation, and contractual liability as breach of warranty. The significance of statements of this kind in contracts governed by Polish law is not entirely clear and has been widely discussed in case law and legal literature. The conclusions reached are summarised below.
The good and the bad sides of representations and warranties – a few practical observations
When notice has to be given of a claim for adjustment of pay under clause 20.1 FIDIC
Not all claims relating to performance of a contract are subject to clause 20.1. This clause provides for a severe penalty of expiry of a claim for not giving notice of a claim within 28 days. Above all, most claims for adjustment of pay are not covered by this clause.
When notice has to be given of a claim for adjustment of pay under clause 20.1 FIDIC
Guarantee agreements in Supreme Court jurisprudence
A guarantee agreement is the most widely accepted and common basis for a number of solutions used in M&A transactions. Therefore, its correct application is of fundamental importance for this practice. Meanwhile, judgments issued in recent years by the Supreme Court of Poland on the nature and normative sources of such obligations have caused doctrinal controversies and uncertainty among trade participants. It is therefore worth briefly summarising where the case law stands and the conclusions that can be drawn from it.
Guarantee agreements in Supreme Court jurisprudence
How to explain a grossly low price or cost?
The contractor’s explanation of a grossly low price or cost must indicate the specific factors making it possible to offer a low price or cost, supported by evidence. The burden of proving that the price or cost is realistic lies with the contractor. If this obligation is not met, the contracting authority will reject the contractor’s bid.
How to explain a grossly low price or cost?
Can shops operate on 12 November 2018?
The President of Poland signed a law establishing 12 November 2018 a public holiday. It has only a few articles and deals with an individual case, and yet it gives rise to a discussion as whether 12 November 2018 is covered by trade restrictions. Despite an opposite position of the National Labour Inspectorate and the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy, it seems that shops may be opened if retail staff is employed on the basis of civil law contracts, works in shifts or there are other exceptions to the work ban on non-working days as specified in Art. 151[10] of the Labour Code.
Can shops operate on 12 November 2018?