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Public access to judicial rulings
Na podstawie ustawy o dostępie do informacji publicznej można uzyskać zanonimizowane orzeczenia sądowe wraz z uzasadnieniami, nawet jeśli nie jesteśmy stroną w danej sprawie.
Public access to judicial rulings
Arbitration in Poland
Interest in arbitration is growing, due to its effectiveness, professionalism, confidentiality and speed—particularly important benefits for businesses. But the parties do not always take full advantage of the possibilities.
Arbitration in Poland
Assignment of receivables and effective satisfaction of lenders' secured claims
Under an amendment to the Bankruptcy Law, the position of a lender holding an assignment of the borrower’s receivables in the event of the borrower’s bankruptcy has changed, but the application and effects of the amendment in practice remain unclear.
Assignment of receivables and effective satisfaction of lenders' secured claims
The existence of a directors and officers liability policy is not sufficient to assert a direct action against the insurance com
The Warsaw Court of Appeal has held that an insurance company may be liable for a loss caused by an insured as a member of a corporate management board only upon compliance with certain formal conditions.
The existence of a directors and officers liability policy is not sufficient to assert a direct action against the insurance com
Foreign investors speak out on legal barriers in Poland
The country’s strengths include a large, strong market, a skilled workforce, and political stability. The main barriers are the inflexible employment law, unclear tax regulations, and difficulties in seeking investment incentives.
Foreign investors speak out on legal barriers in Poland
Commercial register transcripts free online
Since 1 January 2012, the National Court Register Information Centre has been required to provide free online access to complete up-to-date information from the National Court Register and copies of documents submitted to the registry files.
Commercial register transcripts free online
How many real changes in the Personal Data Protection Act?
A banner was posted at the beginning of 2012 on the website of Poland’s Inspector General for Personal Data Protection—”Notice: Change of law!”
How many real changes in the Personal Data Protection Act?
Things to bear in mind when retaining title to goods sold
A seller may secure payment of the purchase price by reserving title to goods in the sale agreement, even if the goods are delivered to the buyer. Reservation of title must be made in writing with a certified date.
Things to bear in mind when retaining title to goods sold
Mandatory elements of the articles of association of a limited-liability company
Z punktu widzenia kontrahentów i wierzycieli przystąpienie nowego wspólnika zarządzającego do spółki komandytowej lub komandytowo-akcyjnej jest co do zasady korzystne.
Mandatory elements of the articles of association of a limited-liability company
Public procurement-EU thresholds raised!
The European Union’s threshold for announcement of public works contracts awarded by all contracting authorities has been raised from EUR 4,845,000 to EUR 5,000,000. The thresholds for contracts for goods and services have also increased.
Public procurement-EU thresholds raised!
Tax office needs to know about amendments to corporate charter
The Commercial Companies Code requires a company to notify the tax office of amendments to its articles of association or statute, but the law provides no sanctions for failure to do so.
Tax office needs to know about amendments to corporate charter
Preliminary agreement for real estate transaction without a shareholder resolution?
A company may enter into a preliminary agreement to buy or sell real estate without obtaining shareholder approval, but the lack of a shareholder resolution will prevent the parties from seeking a court order enforcing the promise to go through with the t
Preliminary agreement for real estate transaction without a shareholder resolution?