Pregnancy register: Surveillance tool or technological advance?
Convenient access to full medical records is an important goal, but it cannot be pursued contrary to the GDPR and the Constitution. Liability for use of beneficiary’s data for non-medical purposes should also be regulated.

New quality in healthcare? The Ministry of Health proposes changes
On 22 July 2021, the Ministry of Health published a draft Act on Quality in Healthcare and Patient Safety. The stated purpose of the bill is to implement legal and organisational solutions to improve the quality of healthcare in a comprehensive and coordinated manner. What will change and to what extent?

The European patient
The European Union is preparing a shared health data space. It is designed to facilitate treatment for Europeans (within the EU) and to consolidate a high standard of medical products and services across all member states. It is also a method for meeting European aspirations for patients’ rights and ensuring more effective treatment and research.