Ombudsman comes to the defence of freelancers
In execution proceedings, debtors who receive pay for their work on the basis of a contract to perform a specific assignment or create a specific work are treated worse than debtors who are paid a salary on the basis of an employment contract.

Non-discrimination also applies to management board members
A member of a company management board may be regarded as an employee within the meaning of Council Directive 92/85 EEC of 19 October 1992. Removal of a pregnant woman from the management board may thus be successfully challenged as discriminatory.

Uniform principles for the remuneration of contractors
A new act implementing certain European Union provisions on equal treatment is awaiting signature by the President and will probably come into force as of the New Year.

The gift of the Magi
An act amending the Labour Code and other laws comes into force from 1 January 2011, establishing a new public holiday on Epiphany (January 6).

Severe sanctions for illegal hiring of foreigners
Magdalena Świtajska from the Employment Law practice group at Wardyński & Partners explains the sanctions faced by employers for illegally hiring foreigners and by foreigners working illegally in Poland.

Agnieszka Lisiecka: Staff must know the rules in force within the company
Interview with Agnieszka Lisiecka, partner at Wardyński & Partners, head of the Employment Law practice group

VAT effects of issuing vouchers to employees
Pracodawcy odchodzą od wynagradzania lub premiowania pracowników za pomocą bonów towarowych ze względu na niekorzystne zmiany w przepisach o podatku dochodowym od osób fizycznych. Teraz wydawanie bonów może rodzić dodatkowe ryzyko w podatku VAT.

Union officials protected under fixed-term contracts
A member of the management board of a workplace trade union or a union member appointed to represent workers in dealings with the employer may demand reinstatement if their employment under a contract for a definite period is terminated.