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Increased legal protection for gift-getters
Lots of folks in Poland are wondering why exactly the new Consumer Rights Act is entering into force on the 25th of December. It sure looks like a lobbying effort by Old Saint Nick.
Increased legal protection for gift-getters
Two regimes for construction contracts
In practice, the parties often refer to any contract for a construction project as a construction contract. But many such contracts are not actually “contracts for construction work,” but “contracts for a specific work.”
Two regimes for construction contracts
Should Poland ratify the Cape Town Convention?
The Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment offers strong protection to sellers, lessors and financers of aircraft. More and more European countries are considering ratification of the convention. Should Poland be one of them?
Should Poland ratify the Cape Town Convention?
Suspension and resumption of work under FIDIC contract terms
Suspension and resumption of construction work are key concepts in the FIDIC Red Book. They are not directly addressed in Polish law but permissible under the principle of freedom of contract. In practice, when the FIDIC terms are used in Poland, these clauses are often modified to shift the risk of their application onto the contractor.
Suspension and resumption of work under FIDIC contract terms
Warranty returns to consumer sales
The recently adopted Consumer Rights Act allows consumers to exercise warranty rights under the Civil Code in place of the current complaint procedure for goods not in conformity with the contract.
Warranty returns to consumer sales
What is a reverse mortgage, and whom does it benefit?
In September 2014 the Polish Sejm adopted the long-awaited but controversial Reverse Mortgage Act. The act still requires the approval of the Senate and the President—and this new financial product deserves a closer look.
What is a reverse mortgage, and whom does it benefit?
If contractors aren’t sure, are they required to speak up?
Under some circumstances, questioning the terms of reference in a tender may be treated not only as a right but as an obligation of a professional contractor.
If contractors aren’t sure, are they required to speak up?
Sooner is not always better
In contracts, the precise formulation of deadlines and the need for one or both parties to comply with them can prevent surprises in the form of an obligation to take early delivery or make early payment.
Sooner is not always better
In some situations, a contract may be performed only in part
Strony, zawierając umowę, najczęściej zakładają, że zostanie ona wykonana w całości. Czy jednak w przypadku gdy jedna ze stron zaoferuje jedynie część świadczenia przewidzianego w umowie, to druga strona ma obowiązek je przyjąć?
In some situations, a contract may be performed only in part
Procedure for renouncing a contract may be simplified
The law is fairly rigorous when it comes to the ability to renounce a bilateral contract. A number of conditions must be met for a contract to be effectively renounced. But may the parties to the contract simplify the procedure?
Procedure for renouncing a contract may be simplified