Damages for legislative unlawfulness
If injury is caused by a defective normative act, it may be unclear where to seek damages—from the State Treasury or from local government—particularly in cases where the actions of these defendants may not be regarded as unlawful.

The practice of obtaining a predicate ruling requires reform
Pursuing compensation from the State Treasury for loss caused by issuance of an unlawful judgment is predicated on obtaining a finding in an earlier proceeding that the judgment was unlawful. But the regulations governing how to obtain such a predicate ruling generate serious doubts.

Liability of the State Treasury for loss caused by overlengthy judicial proceedings
Jak ocenić, czy postępowanie sądowe jest przewlekłe, i jak dochodzić odszkodowania, jeśli przewlekłość postępowania spowodowała szkodę.

State Treasury’s liability in damages for defective tax decisions
The defectiveness (unlawfulness) of a tax decision isn’t enough. Injury must also be proved, and an ordinary causal link between issuance of the decision and the injury.

Is the State Treasury liable for poor snow removal from the roads?
Under Art. 417 of the Civil Code, the State Treasury is liable for injury caused in exercise of public authority. It’s usually not too hard to determine whether the state is acting as a party to civil dealings and when it is exercising authoritative competencies. Nonetheless, there are some activities of public entities that are not clearly authoritative but should be deemed to be the exercise of public authority, the Supreme Court of Poland held in its judgment of 6 June 2014 (Case III CSK 211/13).

Mediation in administrative proceedings
Public administration is typically associated with authoritative decisions that can be modified only by challenging them through the administrative courts. A recently adopted amendment to the Administrative Procedure Code is designed to soften this image and make the state’s executive authority more citizen-friendly.

European administrative cooperation
Poland’s amended Administrative Procedure Code includes a new chapter governing the conduct of European administrative cooperation.

Business Law: New rules for administrative proceedings
A proposal for a long-promised act intended to facilitate the operation of businesses was published on the Government Legislation Centre website in February. The proposed Business Law contains a set of rules that would apply in administrative proceedings from as early as September 2017.

Damages for over-lengthy administrative proceedings
In a case handled by Wardyński & Partners, the firm has obtained a favourable ruling from the Warsaw Regional Court awarding damages for loss caused by inaction of the authorities and wrongful acts and omissions in administrative proceedings.

Electronic signature doesn’t work in administrative court
Poland’s Supreme Administrative Court has held that under current law it is impermissible to file papers with the administrative courts electronically using a secure electronic signature.

When an administrative case takes too long
Parties to administrative proceedings ask what can be done when the case drags on too long. There is no simple remedy, but a complaint against overlong proceedings is one option.

The requirement for legalisation of foreign official documents
Courts and state offices typically demand legalisation or apostille of official documents issued in another country, but it is not always necessary.