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Wiktor Zborowski

Conversion of a joint-stock company into a limited-liability company: Practical problems
Poland’s Commercial Companies Code allows for conversion of a joint-stock company (SA) into a limited-liability company (sp. z o.o.), but many formalities are required and not always clearly regulated. Mistakes at any stage of the process may result in the court refusing to register the conversion. In this article, we describe the stages of the process and selected practical issues that may arise.
Conversion of a joint-stock company into a limited-liability company: Practical problems
Changes in the functioning of company authorities
The amendments to Poland’s Commercial Companies Code which entered into force on 13 October 2022 standardised the calculation of the terms of management board members, introduced new duties to take minutes of management board and supervisory board meetings in limited-liability companies, and expanded the catalogue of offences resulting in a ban on serving as a member of corporate bodies or as a receiver or commercial proxy. The question is whether the amendment will have a positive impact on the functioning of corporate authorities.
The amendments to Poland’s Commercial Companies Code which entered into force on 13 October 2022 standardised the calculation of the terms of management board members, introduced new duties to take minutes of management board and supervisory board meetings in limited-liability companies, and expanded the catalogue of offences resulting in a ban on serving as a member of corporate bodies or as a receiver or commercial proxy. The question is whether the amendment will have a positive impact on the functioning of corporate authorities.
Changes in the functioning of company authorities
Withdrawal from a limited partnership: Options and risks
Commercial partnerships, including limited partnerships, operate in principle on the basis of mutual trust and close cooperation between the partners. The composition of a limited partnership is most often fixed, but this does not mean that the partnership has to be dissolved whenever a partner decides to leave. There are several possibilities for a partner to withdraw from a limited partnership. Two of them are provided for expressly in the Commercial Companies Code, but they may prove inadequate to the dynamic needs of commercial practice. The third, non-code way of leaving a partnership, however useful, raises some doubts.
Withdrawal from a limited partnership: Options and risks
When a parent acquires a subsidiary: A few words on simplified merger
The Commercial Companies Code contains rules facilitating mergers of companies where there are few owners and little risk of harm to stakeholders, and thus the law allows certain provisions to be waived. But it is essential to apply the regulations properly so that the merger is carried out effectively and can be entered in the National Court Register.
When a parent acquires a subsidiary: A few words on simplified merger
Will the Holding Law increase the effectiveness of supervisory boards?
The act amending the Commercial Companies Code which will come into force on 13 October 2022 not only establishes rules for the operation of formalised corporate groups, but also modifies some rules for the functioning of corporate bodies of companies, including supervisory boards. The question is whether the change will have a positive impact on the work of supervisory bodies.
Will the Holding Law increase the effectiveness of supervisory boards?
Declaration of acquisition of shares in a limited-liability company or an increase in the par value of the shares is not as simple as it seems
In the case of an increase in the share capital of a limited-liability company, a shareholder subscribing for new shares or an increased par value of existing shares must file a declaration on subscribing for the new shares or the increased par value. This applies to both an existing shareholder and a new shareholder just joining the company. But there are some uncertainties associated with this obligation.
Declaration of acquisition of shares in a limited-liability company or an increase in the par value of the shares is not as simple as it seems