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Patrycja Polasz

All quiet on the choice-of-law front
The Brexit transition period is coming to an end. Whether or not it is still possible for the UK and the EU to reach a new trade agreement, many businesses operating on both sides can expect a number of uncertainties and challenges. Fortunately, one of the issues that will remain stable is the choice of law in contracts. Here Brexit will result in only technical changes.
All quiet on the choice-of-law front
PLN 100 billion in BGK guarantees to support loans
Businesses affected by COVID-19 are frantically seeking help. Direct forms of assistance, such as the financial shield and standstill pay, are extremely popular. Meanwhile, another instrument of the Anti-Crisis Shield has begun operating recently, i.e. loan repayment guarantees granted by Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego to medium-sized and large enterprises from the Liquidity Guarantee Fund. The programme, worth over PLN 100 billion, is designed to encourage commercial banks to grant new loans for liquidity purposes.
PLN 100 billion in BGK guarantees to support loans
Loans affected by the epidemic
In the new economic reality, businesses that took out loans may be asking themselves many questions. Will existing loans still be paid out? Will an expiring credit line be extended? And will the state of epidemic justify not repaying debt already incurred?
Loans affected by the epidemic
Possible growth, but also more problems: Split payment in factoring
Factoring is growing rapidly in Poland. According to the Polish Factors Association, the value of receivables that are the subject of factoring is growing year on year by an average of 18%. Introduction of split payment may strike at the financial liquidity of firms seeking financing, but it may also drive growth in the factoring industry. But every rose has thorns. Split payment complicates factoring transactions and introduces new risks for factors.
Possible growth, but also more problems: Split payment in factoring
New banking tax
On 1 February 2016, the Act on the Tax on Certain Financial Institutions came into force, introducing a “banking tax” and giving rise to multiple differences of opinion in the Polish banking and insurance sectors.
New banking tax
"Collection of items and rights" subject to a registered pledge should be interpreted in light of the economic purpose
The Polish Supreme Court upheld a cassation appeal presented by Wardyński & Partners and held that when evaluating whether a changing collection of assets may be subject to a registered pledge…
"Collection of items and rights" subject to a registered pledge should be interpreted in light of the economic purpose
Resolution of supervisory board of joint-stock company may be challenged
There is no regulation in Polish law directly governing challenges to resolutions of the management board or supervisory board of a capital company. Thus there have long been doubts whether there is any way to set aside these resolutions.
Resolution of supervisory board of joint-stock company may be challenged