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Krzysztof Wojdyło

New and planned regulation of investment crowdfunding
New regulations and interpretations will soon have an impact on equity- and debt-based crowdfunding business models.
New and planned regulation of investment crowdfunding
New road tolls
Over the next few months, a legal regime may come into existence in Poland for providing new types of toll collection and settlement services.
New road tolls
Legal position of crowdfunding platforms
Operators of crowdfunding platforms must consider numerous potentially applicable regulations, governing such matters as electronic services, payment services, money laundering, securities trading, foreign exchange and banking.
Legal position of crowdfunding platforms
Subparticipation in Poland: Legal and tax aspects
Amendments to the Corporate Income Tax Act which went into effect on 1 January 2014 provide an opportunity to revive the practice of subparticipation in lending in Poland.
Subparticipation in Poland: Legal and tax aspects
It is illegal to create virtual currencies without a licence?
The process of creating virtual currencies depends on the model used for the currency. In some instances it is a centralised process, where it is easy to identify the entity responsible for creation of the currency. In other cases, it is a decentralised process, in which various—often anonymous—users of the decentralised system may be involved in creation of the currency.
It is illegal to create virtual currencies without a licence?
Smart contracts: An approaching legal revolution
One of the possible applications of the Bitcoin protocol is smart contracts—legal relationships created, monitored and enforced automatically using the Bitcoin protocol.
Smart contracts: An approaching legal revolution
Assignment of receivables as a restructuring tool: A case study
Debt restructuring may be approached using solutions involving an assignment of receivables. In practice, depending on the particular factual situation, assignment may offer an attractive alternative to more traditional restructuring methods.
Assignment of receivables as a restructuring tool: A case study
A troublesome privilege
Parliamentarians seek to strip banks of the opportunity to use bank writs of execution while awarding a comparable privilege to credit unions.
A troublesome privilege
An aircraft as the subject of a registered pledge
Transactions involving aircraft typically require that security be established in favour of the financing parties. Due to the small number of such transactions, this issue is still not well-known in Poland.
An aircraft as the subject of a registered pledge
The future of securitisation
The recommendations published recently by the Financial Stability Board may result in more rigorous regulation of securitisation transactions.
The future of securitisation
Selected issues under proposed amendments to the Payment Services Act
Although the Payment Services Act has been in force only a short time, there are already plans to revamp it.
Selected issues under proposed amendments to the Payment Services Act
Payment service providers
The Payment Services Act provides a fixed list of types of suppliers of payment services and specifies the range of permissible activity by particular categories of payment service providers.
Payment service providers