Joanna Krakowiak
More money on the way for innovation
new technologies
In the innovativeness of its economy, Poland ranks 4th from last in the European Union, but greater support is planned for highly innovative projects that show promise for implementation and commercialisation in Poland.

Sugar-free? Not so simple
competition, life sciences, new technologies
The practice of food labelling inspectors prevents consumers from making informed choices—effectively working against the policy of promoting healthy eating.

Joanna Krakowiak: Interim relief is available in complex pharmaceutical patent disputes
life sciences, intellectual property
An interview with Joanna Krakowiak from the Life Science practice group at Wardyński & Partners about pharmaceutical patent litigation.

What additives may be found in food products?
life sciences
The list of permissible food additives was expanded in May 2011. More changes should be expected following an EU review of the safety of food additives.

Financial obligations of sponsors of drug trials
already in force, life sciences
What treatment should the sponsor of clinical trials pay for under the new regulations?

Permit from the president of URPL, not the Minister of Health
already in force, life sciences
A change in the body responsible for issuing marketing authorisation for drugs should cut the time required to obtain approval in Poland.

How long before generic drugs can be marketed?
already in force, life sciences
Generics are substitutes for an original drug. May they be marketed as soon as the 10-year regulatory protection period for the original (innovative) drug ends?

Council gives green light to proceed with development of uniform patent
intellectual property
Even though the European Court of Justice recently issued a negative opinion on the notion of a treaty that would establish a European and Community Patent Court…

No EU patent court after all?
life sciences, litigation, European Court of Justice, intellectual property
Trybunał Sprawiedliwości UE sceptycznie wypowiedział się o zunifikowanym sądownictwie patentowym, które było nadzieją sektora farmaceutycznego na fachowe orzecznictwo. Wciąż mogą jednak powstać polskie wyspecjalizowane sądy patentowe.

Special foods covered by national health service: an opportunity for the foods industry?
life sciences, project
A proposed new Act on Reimbursement for Medicinal Products, Foods and Medical Products calls for the Polish national health service to reimburse the costs of “special-purpose foods” when they offer documented health benefits.

Joanna Krakowiak: Clinical trials-costs will rise, quality too
life sciences, project
An interview with Joanna Krakowiak from the Life Science and Regulatory Law practice group at Wardyński & Partners

Will new clinical trials act eliminate irregularities?
life sciences, project
Recent reports on disproportionate fees for doctors conducting clinical trials and the hospitals where they work are not the only problem. Conducting sometimes dozens of trials at one medical facility seriously reduces the quality of the research.