dr Dominik Wałkowski | In Principle

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dr Dominik Wałkowski

Maritime transport covered by the emissions trading scheme
The EU legislative process related to adoption of key legal acts under the “Fit for 55” package is coming to an end. One of its elements is gradual integration of the maritime transport sector into the EU greenhouse gas emissions trading system (EU ETS).
Maritime transport covered by the emissions trading scheme
The 40th anniversary of the Convention on the Law of the Sea presents new challenges for maritime management and marine environmental protection
10 December 2022 marked forty years since the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which culminated years of negotiations within the United Nations, was opened for signature. With rapidly changing geopolitical conditions, the development of technologies enabling the extraction of minerals from the seabed, the climate crisis, and the disappearance of biodiversity, the convention must meet the demands of the next decades of the 21st century.
The 40th anniversary of the Convention on the Law of the Sea presents new challenges for maritime management and marine environmental protection
PFAS: Pervasive forever chemicals
PFAS is a collective name for some 5,000 chemical compounds widely used in industry and everyday items. They have a harmful effect on the environment and human health. Recently, they have been the subject of intense research by the European Chemicals Agency and the US Environmental Protection Agency. This is reflected in the growing number of regulations restricting their use. However, awareness of the harmfulness of these compounds seems to remain low, as evidenced by the small number of court cases in this area.
PFAS: Pervasive forever chemicals
EU proposes Regulation on nature restoration
In June 2022, the European Commission presented a proposal for new legislative solutions to restore ecosystems and enhance biodiversity in Europe. This innovative set of provisions will require member states to design and implement specific measures to restore the damaged environment of the European Union.
EU proposes Regulation on nature restoration
Will the proposed changes to the Environmental Impact Assessment Act improve the real estate development process?
A proposal to amend the regulations on issuance of project permits was released on 18 May 2022. The proposal is expected to streamline development procedures, primarily for issuing decisions on environmental conditions.
Will the proposed changes to the Environmental Impact Assessment Act improve the real estate development process?
Proposed new rules on international shipments of waste
In November, the European Commission adopted three legislative initiatives seeking to implement the aims of the European Green Deal. They include a proposal for a new regulation on shipments of waste.
Proposed new rules on international shipments of waste
New provisions on by-products
The amendment to the Waste Act which is to come into force at the beginning of 2022 implements the amended Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive into the Polish legal system and constitutes a step towards a circular economy. One of the more significant changes relates to by-products.
New provisions on by-products
Stay of enforcement of environmental decisions—now what?
We have reported here on the 30 March 2021 amendment to the law on environmental impact assessments from the perspective of investors and ecological organisations. In practical application, these provisions are generating more and more doubts.
Stay of enforcement of environmental decisions—now what?
It will be more difficult to implement projects requiring an environmental decision
The amendment to the act on environmental impact assessments signed into law by the President of Poland increases the powers of environmental organisations and makes obtaining permits for development projects more time-consuming. It will be possible to stay the execution of a decision on environmental conditions, suspending proceedings on project permits. But the law also provides for certain measures that may limit the negative impact of such rulings on investors.
It will be more difficult to implement projects requiring an environmental decision
New emission standards
The new emission standard Euro 6D ISC-FCM has been applicable in the European Union since 1 January 2021. It is not only limited to the issue of cleanliness, but also includes an obligation to monitor combustion levels. Gradual reduction of emission limits is included in the consistently implemented EU policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
New emission standards
When is a car “waste”?
The classification of damaged and post-accident vehicles imported to Poland as waste still raises many doubts. Recent judgments of administrative courts confirm a strict approach to this issue in judicial practice, posing significant risk for importers of such cars.
When is a car “waste”?
Further amendments to the Water Law
The new Water Law entered into force on 1 January 2018. Since then, the law has been amended several times, and one such amendment has just come into force. Some provisions of the act concerning water permits have been changed as of 20 September 2018. The system of fees for water services has also been slightly modified. Moreover, several dozen changes have clarified these regulations.
Further amendments to the Water Law