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Anna Dąbrowska

Ukraine: Legal consequences a year after Russia’s full-scale attack
It has been over 450 days since the outbreak of a full-scale war in the very heart of Europe. As the courageous defence by the Ukrainian nation continues and the fate of war is yet to be decided on the battlefield, the legal implications of the conflict and the prospects ahead also draw public attention.
Ukraine: Legal consequences a year after Russia’s full-scale attack
The business judgment rule
The management board conducts the affairs of the company, represents the company externally, and under certain circumstances can be liable to the company and its creditors. Management board members should act with due care, which corresponds to the standard of care that would be observed by a conscientious merchant in dealings of a given sort. Failure to observe due care can lead to liability of members of the corporate authorities—and conversely, compliance with due care can shield them from such liability. An amendment to the Commercial Companies Code will make certain changes to these rules.
The business judgment rule
M&A transactions in the face of the coronavirus
M&A deals are one of the tools for pursuing business. For some they are a method for expanding their scale of operations or generating synergies, and for others allow them to exit investments or raise capital. Thus the turbulence now felt by businesses is impacting their activity in the M&A market.
M&A transactions in the face of the coronavirus
Validity of current shareholder's title to shares
Comments on the consequences of failure to observe the required form when selling shares in a limited-liability company and the possibility of correcting this defect.
Validity of current shareholder's title to shares
Global risks, local remedies: Cross-border M&A issues in the New Europe
The authors report from the IBA European Regional Forum conference in Warsaw on a discussion among lawyers from throughout Central & Eastern Europe on the best ways to minimise common risks encountered in international transactional practice.
Global risks, local remedies: Cross-border M&A issues in the New Europe
The existence of a directors and officers liability policy is not sufficient to assert a direct action against the insurance com
The Warsaw Court of Appeal has held that an insurance company may be liable for a loss caused by an insured as a member of a corporate management board only upon compliance with certain formal conditions.
The existence of a directors and officers liability policy is not sufficient to assert a direct action against the insurance com
Sale of an enterprise with assignment of rights under commercial agreements
Does the acquirer of an enterprise become a party to commercial agreements related to the enterprise under the same terms as the seller?
Sale of an enterprise with assignment of rights under commercial agreements