Aleksandra Fizek
Time for change at large listed companies: The Women on Boards Directive
ESG & sustainability, corporate, capital markets
The first proposal of Polish regulations implementing the EU’s Women on Boards Directive, aimed at more balanced representation of women and men on the bodies of large listed companies, has now been published. This is to be achieved by setting requirements for the selection process of candidates for these positions and introducing a minimum level of participation of the underrepresented sex. The proposal comes as no surprise. Work on the directive took a decade, but it nevertheless elicited many comments in public consultations. The member states have to implement the directive by 28 December 2024.

The gig economy: Digital platform workers vs. personal data
data protection
In recent years, the gig economy, based on a model of flexible employment using online platforms, has grown rapidly. In the EU, it is estimated that 43 million people will be employed through such platforms in 2025. A heated discussion is underway regarding the new regulations in this sector, in particular regarding the employment model for such workers, but also about making automated decisions regarding them using various types of algorithms. What should the organisers of job platforms keep in mind in light of the GDPR? We discuss this using the example of decisions on food delivery platforms issued by the Italian Data Protection Authority.

Family foundation: A solution for succession?
It is no secret that Polish family-owned businesses struggle with the issue of succession. This has prompted the parliament to introduce a new institution, the family foundation. It is intended to allow for multi-generational succession and protect against the fragmentation of assets, while securing the means to support family members and others close to the founder.

News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 11: binding instructions in holding law
corporate, News from Poland
Aleksandra Drożdż explains the liability for binding instructions that the parent company will be able to issue to its subsidiaries under the proposed provisions of the holding law.

Liability for binding instructions in the proposed holding law
corporate, project
According to the government bill to amend the Commercial Companies Code, a parent company could issue binding instructions to a subsidiary if justified by the interest of the corporate group and not barred by specific regulations. The new powers of a parent company are balanced by provisions regulating its liability for injury caused in connection with issuing binding instructions.

What does your car know about you?
automotive, data protection, new technologies
In recent days, it was widely reported in the media that a well-known manufacturer began testing a system allowing for display of personalised ads in cars. But attentive drivers are not surprised. It is no secret that a modern car is a computer on four wheels, as it processes large amounts of data to ensure safety, transport efficiency, and access to navigation and infotainment services.

Increased activity of the Polish data protection authority
data protection
Last year ended with a series of fines imposed by the President of the Personal Data Protection Office. They show the importance of taking take care of data security—and how costly it can be if you don’t.