Problems with reprivatisation in Poland, the possibility that the State Treasury can obtain title by prescription to unlawfully taken real estate, delay in return of possession of property under the Warsaw Decree, and restitution of land used for allotment gardens.

Internal investigations
Internal investigations conducted by enterprises in-house when irregularities are suspected offer many advantages to businesses compared to initiatives undertaken by public law enforcement authorities. We encourage you to read the new publication prepared by the Business Crime Practice.

Crowdfunding - report summary
This is an abbreviated version of a report on the legal and tax aspects of crowdfunding drafted by Wardyński & Partners in September 2014. We attempt in our report to submit the phenomenon of crowdfunding to a legal and tax analysis from the point of view of all stakeholders: funders, beneficiaries (project designers), and crowdfunding platforms. We suggest changes in the law which could help to fully exploit the positive potential of crowdfunding.

Virtual currency - report summary
This is an abbreviated version of a report on the legal and tax aspects of virtual currencies drafted by Wardyński & Partners in July 2014. The report deals, among others, with the following issues: If there is an error when carrying out a Bitcoin transaction, does the party have any kind of claim? Whom would the claim be against? Is theft of virtual currencies a crime at all? If so, where is it committed? Can Bitcoins be inherited? Can Bitcoin be pledged as collateral? If so, what would be the governing law?

Subcontracting in public procurement
The new provisions of the Public Procurement Law regulate for the first time ever in Poland the contractual relationships between contractors in public procurement and their subcontractors. You may read how this relationship is now structured in our newest publication.

Outsourcing in Poland
Lawyers at Wardyński & Partners have prepared a report entitled “Outsourcing in Poland” which discusses legal issues connected with employment outsourcing, outsourcing of accounting services, and outsourcing by financial institutions.

How to set up an online store
The guide succinctly describes specific stages of setting up an online store as well as legal issues that should be considered in this connection (agreement on creating a website, contracts with subcontractors and suppliers, presentation of prices, etc).

Protecting creditors against dishonest actions by debtors
A creditor injured by asset-stripping doesn’t have to remain a passive victim of dishonesty, according to lawyers from the Difficult Receivables Recovery Practice.

Intellectual Property Protection
Lawyers from the Intellectual Property Practice at Wardyński & Partners explain how to enforce claims involving intellectual property rights and what relief may be obtained against an infringer.