Commercial register transcripts free online | In Principle

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Commercial register transcripts free online

Since 1 January 2012, the National Court Register Information Centre has been required to provide free online access to complete up-to-date information from the National Court Register (not just basic information, as before) and copies of documents submitted to the registry files.

The new obligations were imposed on the National Court Register Information Centre in Poland by amendments to the National Court Register Act of 20 August 1997. Significantly, an online user’s own printout from the system will be regarded as equivalent to a transcript issued by the information centre, so long as it contains the data specified by §9(2) of the Regulation of the Minister of Justice of 27 December 2011 (Journal of Laws Dz.U. 2011 No. 297 item 1760), namely:

  • an indication of the internet address where the current information about the entity entered in the register is located
  • a printout identifier.

The printout almost must be in a graphic form that complies with enclosures 12 and 13 to the regulation.

In practice, the National Court Register Information Centre is still working on implementation of the system, which will probably not be launched until the 2nd quarter of 2012.

Tomasz Michalczyk, Infrastructure, Transport & Public Procurement (PPP) practice, Wardyński & Partners