Changes in employment law in 2013 | In Principle

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Changes in employment law in 2013

The most important changes this year are an increase in the minimum wage and elimination of certain notifications to the National Labour Inspectorate and the National Sanitary Inspectorate.


1. New minimum wage

Under a Polish government regulation issued on 14 September 2012, a new minimum wage of PLN 1,600 per month is in force from 1 January 2013.

2. Elimination of notifications to the National Labour Inspectorate and the National Sanitary Inspectorate

The Act of 9 November 2012 Amending the Labour Code and Certain Other Acts went into effect on 17 January 2013. The purpose of the amendment is to cut down on the procedures connected with launching business operations in Poland. Among other things, the act eliminated the requirement to notify the National Labour Inspectorate and the National Sanitary Inspectorate of commencement of business operations or changes in this respect.

Under the amending act, the National Sanitary Inspectorate will be authorised to make free use of data collected in the REGON national statistical register and information gathered by the Social Insurance Institution in the account of remitters of social insurance premiums. The act also requires the statistical offices to provide information to the National Labour Inspectorate and the National Sanitary Inspectorate, on a quarterly basis, concerning entities declaring hiring of employees, insofar as necessary for the inspectorates to perform their statutory tasks.

Employment Law Practice, Wardyński & Partners