Arbitration on the agenda at the IBA European Regional Forum in Warsaw | In Principle

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Arbitration on the agenda at the IBA European Regional Forum in Warsaw

Among the numerous sessions and workshops at the November conference of the IBA European Regional Forum, there will be a workshop devoted to practical aspects of arbitration.

The workshop will be held on the first day of the conference, 21 November 2012, at the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan in Warsaw. The workshop will be led by Dr Marcin Dziurda, president of the Polish State Treasury Solicitor’s Office, Dr Beata Gessel-Kalinowska vel Kalisz of the Gessel law firm, Bartosz Krużewski from Clifford Chance, and Genevieve Labbe-Beaumont from Fulbrook Management. The following issues will be discussing during the workshop:

  • Third-party funding of arbitration from the perspective of the funder
  • Cost-reduction strategies from the perspective of counsel
  • Time-saving procedures from the perspective of an arbitrator
  • Predictability from the perspective of arbitration users.

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