News from Poland | In Principle

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News from Poland

News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 13 (part 1): interrogation of a foreigner as a witness
This time Stanisław Drozd and Konrad Grotowski explain what to expect if you are a foreigner testifying as a witness before the Polish civil court. The second part of the film will be published in January next year.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 13 (part 1): interrogation of a foreigner as a witness
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 12: receivables as an asset and opportunity
Daniel Smarduch discusses the transactions involving receivables from the Polish perspective. Receivables as an asset are present everywhere in the business world. This asset could be a problem for some, but at the same time an investment opportunity for others.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 12: receivables as an asset and opportunity
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 11: binding instructions in holding law
Aleksandra Drożdż explains the liability for binding instructions that the parent company will be able to issue to its subsidiaries under the proposed provisions of the holding law.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 11: binding instructions in holding law
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 10: property restitution (reprivatisation)
Dr Radosław Wiśniewski explains the problem of claims by pre-war property owners (and most often their heirs), which must be taken into account when purchasing real estate and pose a risk for transactions.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 10: property restitution (reprivatisation)
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 9: transfer pricing compliance obligations
In this episode, Wojciech Marszałkowski explains transfer pricing compliance obligations. What is the arm’s-length principle? When do taxpayers have to prepare documentation describing most cross-border transactions? What are the peculiarities of the Polish transfer pricing regulations? What are the rules regarding indirect transactions with tax havens? When can taxpayers be required to prepare a “master file”?
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 8: Legal aspects of fighting cybercrime: Ransomware and data hacks
In this episode, Łukasz Lasek explains legal aspects of fighting cybercrime in the form of ransomware and data hacks. What is a ransomware attack? How can businesses protect against it? How do we help businesses after they fall victim to ransomware extortion?
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 8: Legal aspects of fighting cybercrime: Ransomware and data hacks
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 7: Business Email Compromise (BEC)
In this episode, Łukasz Lasek explains legal aspects of fighting a type of cybercrime fraud called business email compromise, or BEC. How do the fraudsters work? Why is the number of BEC attacks on smaller businesses increasing? What to do if your email has been compromised? What are the prospects of catching the fraudsters, and how to reduce the number of BEC frauds?
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 6: Corporate bankruptcy petition
In this episode, Konrad Grotowski explains legal aspects of a petition for declaration of the bankruptcy of a company.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 6: Corporate bankruptcy petition
News from Poland—Business & Law, episode 5: Proposed changes in labour law relating to remote work
In this episode we present a short summary of the general picture of the Polish economy and proposed changes in labour law relating to remote work.
News from Poland—Business & Law, episode 5: Proposed changes in labour law relating to remote work
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 4: prospects for the development of the private rented sector in Poland
The programme is a synthesis of important current events in the Polish economy and changes to Polish law, especially those that may concern management board members and affect the risk of serving on boards.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 4: prospects for the development of the private rented sector in Poland
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 3: Changes in the Public Procurement Law
The programme is a synthesis of important current events in the Polish economy and changes to Polish law, especially those that may concern management board members and affect the risk of serving on boards.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 3: Changes in the Public Procurement Law
“News from Poland—Business & Law” Episode 2: Simplified restructuring proceeding
The programme is a synthesis (up to 10 minutes) of important current events in the Polish economy and changes to Polish law, especially those that may concern management board members and affect the risk of serving on boards.
“News from Poland—Business & Law” Episode 2: Simplified restructuring proceeding