Pro rata condition in insurance policy held ineffective
In a judgment involving compensation under an insurance policy, the Supreme Court of Poland has held that a pro rata provision was invalid because it was disadvantageous to the insured and was included in the insurance conditions unilaterally by the insurer as the party with the stronger contractual position.

A few words on setoff
The Supreme Court of Poland has recently issued several rulings on setoff (Civil Code Art. 498), confirming the existing line of case law and the established legal and commercial practice. The regulations on asserting the defence of setoff in civil proceedings have also been amended.

Watch out for rejected pleadings: Amendment of the Civil Procedure Code
The amendment of Poland’s Civil Procedure Code which entered into force on 7 November 2019 changed certain provisions on the formal requirements for pleadings and the consequences of failure to meet these requirements. Harsh rules, uncertainty on the proper method of curing formal defects, and varying practices of the courts may result in final rejection of a pleading and loss of the case for seemingly trivial reasons. Professional attorneys must exercise particular caution.

Contractual penalty for late payment or non-payment to subcontractors permissible
It is permissible to agree on a contractual penalty for non-payment or late payment of fees due to subcontractors, the Supreme Court of Poland held in its resolution of 30 June 2020 (case no. III CZP 67/19).

Business interruption insurance and the coronavirus crisis
Even before a state of epidemic threat was announced, some businesses anticipating the probable impact of the approaching pandemic decided to take out business interruption insurance. But can this type of coverage make up for at least some of the losses due to the pandemic?

Will the Hague Convention of 2019 improve the resolution of international disputes?
On 2 July 2019, at the Hague Conference on Private International Law, the conclusion of a new international convention was announced: the Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters. It complements the 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements.

W kwestii pouczeń pisanych po ludzku na razie obeszliśmy się smakiem
W naszym tegorocznym Roczniku pisaliśmy o podjętych przez Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości pracach koncepcyjnych nad projektem rozporządzenia, które miało określać wzory pouczeń udzielanych na piśmie. Reforma Kodeksu postępowania cywilnego wprowadzona ustawą z 4 lipca 2019 r. przewidywała bowiem, że z uwagi na potrzebę ustandaryzowania pouczeń i zredagowania ich w sposób prosty i przystępny dla stron postępowania, Minister Sprawiedliwości określi ich wzory w drodze rozporządzenia w ciągu roku od dnia ogłoszenia ustawy nowelizującej. Po upływie dziesięciu miesięcy ustawodawca wycofuje się jednak z zaproponowanego rozwiązania i w drodze kolejnej tarczy antykryzysowej zamierza derogować przepisy reformy wprowadzające art. 5 § 2 i 3 k.p.c.

How to resolve disputes when the courts are not working?
An interview with Łukasz Lasek and Piotr Golędzinowski from the Dispute Resolution & Arbitration practice on the possibilities of out-of-court dispute resolution, planning in the event of a dispute, and costly traps to avoid.

How to calculate damages in litigation over property insurance?
In a judgment involving damages under an insurance policy, the Supreme Court of Poland indicates how to calculate the amount of damages, and discusses various possible methods of monetary compensation for property damage in cases involving an insurer’s liability.

Challenges for insurers from the COVID-19 pandemic
The unstable economic situation connected with the COVID-19 pandemic is also impacting the insurance industry. Dependent on global phenomena and trends, the insurance market will soon have to face a new economic reality, develop appropriate solutions for clients, and prepare to defend against claims.

Does an insurance contract cover pandemic risks?
The COVID-19 pandemic affects the situation of companies and individuals. Many of them wonder whether they will be able to take advantage of insurance cover they have taken out. The insurance industry is wondering the same thing.

Protection of investments during the pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic is paralysing the global economy, but it is not the virus itself preventing businesses from operating. States seeking to protect their citizens against danger are introducing unprecedented limitations on civil rights and freedoms, rendering operations in some sectors of the economy impossible. In other sectors, business has become more burdensome, costly or risky. This has generated a heated debate over who should bear the financial consequences of limitations imposed on businesses and the huge resulting losses.