Coronavirus: A new reality in public procurement
The coronavirus pandemic is already affecting contractors carrying out public projects and other contracts under the public procurement regime. With the dynamic development of the situation, there is a risk that negative consequences will go even further. The current situation affects not only the performance of contracts but also ongoing and future public procurement procedures.

Showdown in the penalty area: An opportunity for change in sport?
Will the need to seek state aid due to the COVID-19 pandemic encourage sports unions to implement good governance principles?

Fair play in a time of pandemic
Does cancellation of matches due to the pandemic constitute just cause for terminating a player’s contract without damages?

Coronavirus and international carriage of goods by road
A range of legislative and legal initiatives have been taken in recent days to control the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus epidemic. How will temporary closing of borders and mandatory hospitalisation impact carriers’ liability in international transport of goods by road?

Poland: Current travel restrictions
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Poland adopted regulations temporarily restricting entry to Poland of non-Polish citizens.

Epidemic threat and quarantine obligation
On 13 March 2020, an executive regulation of the Minister of Health on the declaration of an epidemiological threat in the Republic of Poland entered into force. It indicates that in the period from 14 March 2020 until further notice a state of an epidemiological threat is declared in the Republic of Poland due to infections from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The result is, inter alia, suspension of international air and rail connections and a ban on foreigners entering the Republic of Poland. In turn, each person crossing the state border to return to its place of residence or stay in the Republic of Poland must submit to a mandatory 14-day quarantine. Its basis differs from general rules in this respect.

Businesses’ contractual obligation in a time of pandemic
Numerous sectors of the economy have been paralysed. The problem is not just closings or restricted access to a range of services, but also absence of staff due to illness, quarantine or childcare. Consequently, businesses cannot operate normally or perform their obligations on time. A lack of supplies by one company often carries over to an inability of its customers to fill their own orders. This bogs down the whole economy. We await systemic solutions allowing Polish businesses to survive. But before they arrive, it’s a good time to examine the regulations currently in force.

Coronavirus: Shielding package for business
Ministerstwo Rozwoju zapowiedziało, że opracuje projekt specustawy wprowadzającej kompleksowe wsparcie dla przedsiębiorców, których działalność zostanie dotknięta w związku z rozprzestrzenianiem się Covid-19. Nie jest jeszcze znany konkretny kształt tych regulacji, ale zgodnie z zapowiedziami projekt ma trafić na posiedzenie sejmu w dniu 25 marca i zostać wprowadzony z dniem 1 kwietnia.

Coronavirus: How to challenge compulsory treatment?
Faced by the spreading SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, the Polish Parliament and President rushed through a Special Coronavirus Act. The act is intended to clarify and supplement regulations on prevention of the spread of infectious diseases in Poland. But by giving total primacy to protection of the public interest, the act ignores the issue of the rights and freedoms of persons subjected to various forms of compulsory treatment (hospitalisation, quarantine, and epidemiological supervision). Do individuals have any means of legal protection in this context?

Employers and new regulations on COVID-19
On 8 March 2020, the Law on special arrangements for the prevention and combating of COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them (Crisis Act) took effect. It introduced a number of provisions setting rules and procedures for preventing and combating infection and spread of the COVID-19 infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus as well as tasks of public administrations in this regard.