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Natalia Falęcka-Tyszka

Pharmacies only for pharmacists? The Supreme Administrative Court takes a stance
“Pharmacies for Pharmacists”: this slogan stands for a landmark amendment to the Pharmaceutical Law which has stirred heated debate. Will recent Supreme Administrative Court rulings cut through the controversy surrounding application of the amendment?
Pharmacies only for pharmacists? The Supreme Administrative Court takes a stance
Medical assistance in Poland. A guide for citizens of Ukraine
What rights do patients—including patients from Ukraine—have in Poland? What should healthcare facilities do when receiving patients from Ukraine? What about filling their prescriptions? And how are the charges for their healthcare services settled?
Medical assistance in Poland. A guide for citizens of Ukraine
Information or advertising? What pharmacies are allowed to do
In 2012, a restrictive ban on advertising by pharmacies was introduced into Polish law. According to Art. 94a of the Pharmaceutical Law, it is only permissible to provide information on the location and working hours of a pharmacy or a pharmacy outlet. Violation of the ban can draw a heavy fine, up to PLN 50,000. In practice, the advertising ban is strictly enforced by the province pharmaceutical inspectors, which results in numerous administrative fines imposed on businesses.
Information or advertising? What pharmacies are allowed to do
Over-the-counter drugs can’t be sold in mobile shops
Under current Polish law, it is illegal to sell OTC drugs from a motor vehicle. This was acknowledged by the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspectorate and confirmed by the Province Administrative Court in Warsaw in its judgment of 23 March 2021 (case no. VI SA/Wa 2691/20).
Over-the-counter drugs can’t be sold in mobile shops
New quality in healthcare? The Ministry of Health proposes changes
On 22 July 2021, the Ministry of Health published a draft Act on Quality in Healthcare and Patient Safety. The stated purpose of the bill is to implement legal and organisational solutions to improve the quality of healthcare in a comprehensive and coordinated manner. What will change and to what extent?
New quality in healthcare? The Ministry of Health proposes changes