Maciej A. Szewczyk | In Principle

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Maciej A. Szewczyk

Seller's representations and warranties
The significance of representations and warranties by the seller in transactions involving the sale of shares
Seller's representations and warranties
Appointment of a convicted criminal to a corporate board
Not everyone is qualified to serve on a corporate board. But what happens if a board member is appointed who is not qualified to serve?
Appointment of a convicted criminal to a corporate board
Practical consequences of the choice of language in a contract
Wybór języka, w którym sporządzana jest umowa między podmiotami posługującymi się różnymi językami, ma niezwykle istotne znaczenie. Determinuje on bowiem wykładnię zawartych w umowie oświadczeń woli stron.
Practical consequences of the choice of language in a contract
The existence of a directors and officers liability policy is not sufficient to assert a direct action against the insurance com
The Warsaw Court of Appeal has held that an insurance company may be liable for a loss caused by an insured as a member of a corporate management board only upon compliance with certain formal conditions.
The existence of a directors and officers liability policy is not sufficient to assert a direct action against the insurance com
Exercise of share rights by the acquirer of registered shares
Can the buyer of registered shares fully exercise all share rights immediately upon acquisition of the shares?
Exercise of share rights by the acquirer of registered shares
Sale of an enterprise with assignment of rights under commercial agreements
Does the acquirer of an enterprise become a party to commercial agreements related to the enterprise under the same terms as the seller?
Sale of an enterprise with assignment of rights under commercial agreements
Millions for thermomodernisation
Minister środowiska zaakceptował kolejne listy przedsięwzięć zakwalifikowanych do dofinansowania ze środków pochodzących z handlu jednostkami przyznanej emisji (AAU).
Millions for thermomodernisation
Poland seeks to overturn decision on CO2 emission limits
On 8 July 2011, Poland filed a challenge with the European Court of Justice against the decision by the European Commission concerning limits on free CO2 emission rights in industry.
Poland seeks to overturn decision on CO2 emission limits
New rules for criminal liability for corporate injury
An act amending the Penal Code and the Commercial Companies Code went into effect on 13 July 2011, modifying the rules for criminal liability of persons serving on the management boards of Polish companies.
New rules for criminal liability for corporate injury
New rules for liability for injury to a company
Regulations liberalising the rules for criminal liability of management board members of capital companies go into effect on 1 July 2011.
New rules for liability for injury to a company
New Greenhouse Gas Emissions Allowance Trading Scheme Act
The Polish Parliament has adopted a new act governing the functioning of the scheme for trading in greenhouse gas emissions allowances.
New Greenhouse Gas Emissions Allowance Trading Scheme Act
Will businesses flee Poland?
The European Commission wants to cut greenhouse gas emissions by up to 95% by 2050. What effect could that have on the Polish economy, in which about 90% of electricity comes from high-emission sources?
Will businesses flee Poland?