dr Maciej Kiełbowski
What's new in litigation law?
new provisions, litigation
The New Year often brings with it numerous changes in regulations, including changes affecting specific judicial or administrative procedures, with an impact on how litigation is conducted. What’s new in this area in 2013?

Who can sign the statement of claim in a class action suit?
Supreme Court, litigation
Only an adwokat or legal adviser may sign the statement of claim in a class action suit, the Supreme Court of Poland has held in a resolution clarifying the Class Actions Act. A statement of claims signed by anyone else will be rejected by the court.

New interlocutory appeal to the Supreme Court
already in force, litigation
A change in the Civil Procedure Code enables the parties to seek a ruling from the Supreme Court of Poland when a judgment is vacated on appeal and the case is remanded to the lower court for rehearing. A new interlocutory appeal will be available for thi

What's up now with commercial cases?
already in force, litigation
A fundamental change that went into effect on 3 May 2012 was elimination of separate procedures in commercial cases. Does this mean that there are no more commercial courts in Poland, and no procedural differences from “ordinary” civil litigation?

Public access to judicial rulings
Na podstawie ustawy o dostępie do informacji publicznej można uzyskać zanonimizowane orzeczenia sądowe wraz z uzasadnieniami, nawet jeśli nie jesteśmy stroną w danej sprawie.