Marta Kacprowska
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 27: Property inheritance
News from Poland
Marta Kacprowska, attorney-at-law in Wardyński & Partners’ Private Clients practice, talks about inheritance of property left by deceased foreigners and how foreign heirs can inherit property in Poland.

Can a forest interfere with sale of a residential unit?
real estate, other courts
Does State Forests have the right of first refusal on the sale of a residential unit together with a share in a partly forested property? A surprising decision by the Wołomin District Court.

Will the Housing for Land Act increase the number of housing developments?
real estate, changes in law, already in force
The new Act on Settlement of the Price of Housing Units or Buildings in the Price of Property Sold from Communal Property Resources, commonly known as the “Housing for Land Act,” entered into force on 1 April 2021. It is supposed to implement one of the priorities of the National Housing Programme, increasing the number of housing developments. Is this goal likely to be achieved?