Gabriela Kobyłecka | In Principle

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Gabriela Kobyłecka

Tales from the National Appeal Chamber: Requiring additional evidence is an unreasonable barrier to fee indexation
The last two years in the public procurement market have been stormy. The Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have caused a steady and dynamic increase in the prices of materials and services, and disrupted supply chains, translating into record inflation rates and unprecedented fee increases. With this tough economic situation directly affecting the market, contractors have faced the difficult task of indexing their fees in public contracts. The National Appeal Chamber, which hears challenges in public procurement matters in Poland, gave essential guidance on this issue in its ruling of 28 November 2023 (case no. KIO 3389/23).
Tales from the National Appeal Chamber: Requiring additional evidence is an unreasonable barrier to fee indexation
Tales from the National Appeal Chamber: Amounts for basic and optional procurement should be clearly defined
Sometimes, before opening the bids, the contracting authority already knows the amount it will allocate for both the basic contract and the optional contract. How should it indicate these amounts for finalising the procedure? When can the procedure be cancelled under Art. 255(3) of the Public Procurement Law if the contract provides for the right of an option? In a recent ruling, the National Appeal Chamber answered these and other questions.
Tales from the National Appeal Chamber: Amounts for basic and optional procurement should be clearly defined
Proposed revision of rail transport regulations
Under a proposed amendment to Poland’s Rail Transport Act, it will be easier to obtain siting decisions for rail projects and expand logistics centres and railroad sidings on rail land, and train travel should be safer.
Proposed revision of rail transport regulations