Artur Bednarski | In Principle

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Artur Bednarski

PLN 100 billion in BGK guarantees to support loans
Businesses affected by COVID-19 are frantically seeking help. Direct forms of assistance, such as the financial shield and standstill pay, are extremely popular. Meanwhile, another instrument of the Anti-Crisis Shield has begun operating recently, i.e. loan repayment guarantees granted by Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego to medium-sized and large enterprises from the Liquidity Guarantee Fund. The programme, worth over PLN 100 billion, is designed to encourage commercial banks to grant new loans for liquidity purposes.
PLN 100 billion in BGK guarantees to support loans
Loans affected by the epidemic
In the new economic reality, businesses that took out loans may be asking themselves many questions. Will existing loans still be paid out? Will an expiring credit line be extended? And will the state of epidemic justify not repaying debt already incurred?
Loans affected by the epidemic
Split payment and the legal situation of financing banks
The split payment mechanism for business-to-business transactions entered into force on 1 July 2018. Introduction of this mechanism was motivated by the aim of closing gaps in the tax system. But split payment affects not only the situation of VAT payers, but also banks.
Split payment and the legal situation of financing banks
Green loans, eco-friendly financing
Environmental protection is a major issue today, and many organisations and enterprises attempt to incorporate environmental protection requirements into their operations. Banks are also trying to keep up with the trend by offering eco-loans or green loans.
Green loans, eco-friendly financing
The position of the security agent in in-court restructuring proceedings
What banks should pay attention to when granting consortium financing or considering restructuring of consortium debt.
The position of the security agent in in-court restructuring proceedings