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Transfer of ownership of bearer shares and obligation to deliver shares
According to the applicable regulations, in order to transfer the ownership of shares, it is necessary to have a tangible element in the form of transfer of possession of registered shares or delivery of bearer shares. The transfer of ownership of registered shares additionally requires the conclusion of an agreement between the seller and the buyer (either on the share document itself or in a separate document), while the transfer of bearer shares may take place even without the conclusion of a formal agreement, through the mere delivery of the shares. Considering the significant legal consequences of delivering a bearer instrument, it is necessary to consider how to understand the term “delivery of shares”.
Further amendments to the Water Law
The new Water Law entered into force on 1 January 2018. Since then, the law has been amended several times, and one such amendment has just come into force. Some provisions of the act concerning water permits have been changed as of 20 September 2018. The system of fees for water services has also been slightly modified. Moreover, several dozen changes have clarified these regulations.
Split payment mechanism: Apparent and hidden benefits
Businesses are not required to use the split payment mechanism. But the initiative left to them does force them to examine whether it would be worthwhile to take advantage of this new instrument. Lawmakers went to some effort to encourage taxpayers to say yes.
Indemnity – when is it due and in what amount?
Disputes concerning indemnity arise under an agency agreement. This payment does not become due automatically, as there are certain requirements. This payment is due on the basis of equity and is intended to give an agent a share in the profits they help to generate.
Improvement of bid bond rules
Work on a concept for a new public procurement law is an opportunity to review the rules on bid bonds. The changes need to go beyond those proposed in the concept.
Succession managers: A new option for entrepreneurs
The proposed Act on Succession Management in Sole Proprietorships will offer new solutions for business owners. It is intended to allow the heirs to continue operating an individual business after the owner’s death.
Is an unexamined complaint an approved complaint?
The Act on Consideration of Complaints by Financial Market Entities and on the Financial Ombudsman provides that a complaint not resolved within the stated period “is regarded as” resolved in accordance with the customer’s request. In a surprising resolution, the Supreme Court recently ruled that this does not mean that a delay in consideration of a complaint mandates that it is resolved in the customer’s favour, but such a delay merely increases the burden faced by the entity during litigation. If, of course, the matter ever reaches the courts. Was this what the legislature intended?
Legal professional privilege in Poland
Client confidentiality is an inherent element and fundamental duty in the legal profession. It is the cornerstone of the relationship legal professionals build with their clients. It also a guarantee of protection of the rights of the parties in judicial proceedings, including the right to a fair trial. But what is legal professional privilege? Can anything limit it? And is it losing strength in today’s reality?
Protecting intellectual property on the alcoholic beverages market
According to figures from KPMG, the alcoholic beverages market in Poland was worth about PLN 57 billion in 2016, and its value is growing year on year. The industry is of great economic importance, providing numerous jobs and offering a major sales outlet for agricultural production. The selection of the topic for today’s edition is no accident. We believe that developments on the market may cause certain models for protection of intellectual property to grow in importance—alongside growing threats to those rights. We discuss them here from the practical side.
Intoxicating advertising: A few real-life examples
Producers of alcoholic beverages struggle with highly restrictive regulations across many areas of their business. One is advertising. The Polish regulations, in the Act on Sober Upbringing and Combating Alcoholism of 26 October 1982, are quite rigorous compared to most other countries. Essentially it is illegal to advertise alcoholic beverages, but with some leniency for beer. Beer advertising is permitted, subject to great restrictions on manner, place, time, form and content.