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Search results for: ͳݸ° īǽð ī ī 21 ̺ ī ī ¥ ù ԸӴ 10000

Administrative courts in Poland
Administrative courts in Poland
Course of criminal proceedings
How to file notification of a crime? What happens in the preparatory, main, appeal and enforcement proceedings?
Course of criminal proceedings
What rights does the accused have? Can the accused file evidentiary motions, question a witness, or refuse to testify?
Who is the suspect? What are the suspect’s duties? What are the suspect’s rights? What preventive measures can be applied against the suspect?
What is the status of the victim in criminal proceedings? What possibilities for action does the victim have in a criminal case? What duties does the victim have in a criminal case?
Nature of criminal proceedings
Which courts examine criminal cases? Who conducts criminal proceedings? Who participates in criminal proceedings?
Nature of criminal proceedings
Alternative Dispute Resolution
In Poland, ADR is considered to include non-judicial methods for resolving disputes other than arbitration. Polish procedure provides for two means of ADR (apart from arbitration): an application for settlement, and mediation.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
After the judgement is issued
How does a party defend against enforcement of an unfavourable judgment or court order? In what circumstances and within what timeframe is a cassation appeal considered? What can be done when the deadline for acting has already passed? When is a judgment enforceable?
After the judgement is issued
Securing claims and evidence
How can a party strengthen its position in the proceedings? Who can seek an interim injunction and when? What should an application for an injunction contain? What is the court guided by when examining the application? Can a security decision be amended or vacated? Who enforces security and bears the cost of security proceedings? Can one secure claims pursued abroad?
Securing claims and evidence
Does all the evidence have to be presented at once? What evidence can be used? Taking evidence for foreign proceedings