Magdalena Świtajska
Important amendments to the Foreigners Act
employment, project
Facilitation of the process of obtaining an EU Blue Card in Poland, and digitalisation of the application procedure for granting residence permits, is provided for in a bill to amend the Foreigners Act.

News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 37: Employment Without an Establishment (EWE)
News from Poland
In this episode, Magdalena Świtajska explains how foreign firms may directly employ workers in Poland.

Remote work in a foreign country: A solution for everyone or only for the brave?
The popularity of remote work and its various forms, including digital nomadism, is not waning. Unconstrained by national borders or the nationality of employees, employers taking advantage of the global labour market must take into account a number of legal aspects not present in traditional employment. These involve not only issues of supervision of work performance or compensating employees for out-of-office costs, but above all, issues such as the law applicable to the employment relationship and legalisation of the employee’s work and residence in the country of work.

Entry, stay and work in Poland – citizens of Ukraine and other countries
global mobility
The special Act on Aid to Ukrainian citizens has just entered into force. We have prepared a guide explaining comprehensively the most up-to-date rules of entry, stay and work in Poland for citizens of Ukraine and other countries. Available in Polish, Ukrainian and English.

Crossing the border and reuniting families (Guide for citizens of Ukraine)
global mobility
Another concise guide: How long does legal residence last in Poland? How to extend it? How to bring family members to Poland? In Ukrainian, Polish and English.

Residing and working in Poland (Guide for citizens of Ukraine)
global mobility
Our brief guide explains the possibilities for entry, legalisation of work and legalisation of stay of Ukrainian citizens in Poland. It also covers the rules for bringing their families to Poland. In English, Ukrainian, Russian and Polish.

News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 15: Hiring and working in Poland: types of contracts
News from Poland, global mobility
Magdalena Świtajska from Wardyński & Partners’ Employment & Global Mobility Practice, explains types of contracts used when hiring or working in Poland.

News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 14: obtaining Polish citizenship
News from Poland, global mobility
Magdalena Świtajska and Aleksandra Wójcik form Wardyński & Partners’ Employment & Global Mobility Practice, explain the ways of obtaining Polish citizenship.

The end of the transition period: effects of Brexit on UK citizens in Poland
global mobility, international law
The transition period during which UK nationals are generally treated under EU law as citizens of other member states expires on 31 December 2020. This raises more and more questions and doubts about the legality of stay of UK citizens and their family members, both those already residing in Poland and those still planning their arrival.

Becoming a Polish (EU) citizen
global mobility
Increasing interest of foreign nationals in moving to live and work in the European Union is the main driver in recent times for seeking to obtain citizenship of an EU country. This also applies to Poland, as Polish citizenship gives the right to live and work not only in Poland but also across the entire EU.

Remote work and “employer of record”: Employment in the video game industry
global mobility, new technologies, employment, gaming
The game development industry knows no boundaries, and often attracts workers from all over the world. But employment and immigration regulations pose a barrier to drawing on the resources of the global labour market, particularly when a game development studio considers employing persons in Poland who are citizens of countries outside the EU, the EEA, or Switzerland. However, new non-standard forms of work help overcome the difficulties in hiring foreigners, and are worth considering for roles such as programmers, graphic designers, sound engineers, script writers, and game testers.

Poland: Current travel restrictions
coronavirus, employment
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Poland adopted regulations temporarily restricting entry to Poland of non-Polish citizens.